Chapter Thirty Three-Helpful, Caring, and Shy

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wind rushed passed your face, the tingling sensation in your stomach rumbling. It was all going to fast! And you had barely enough time to process the situation. The gravitational pull from the earth made your body twist and turn, and you thought your eyes were gonna pop soon. Nothing was a clear image, your head was spinning and your eyes were finding it hard to adjust. 

It didnt take long for you to realize, that you were almost at land. The blurry image of the green grass could be seen, and before you knew it. You blacked out. But you never really fell to the ground.


you opened your eyes slowly, staring up at the blue sky. The sun was shining, hiding behind a few clouds above. You twisted your head to your right, finding yourself alone in a sort of meadow, as the wind blew the plants and grass gracefully, making it dance around silently. You twisted your head to the left, finding the same outlook like before, nothing unusual. Before you could stand up however, you pulled your head up and bumped right into something. Your forhead slammed on the other object, making you grunt and pull your hand to your head in agony.

Your left arm supporting your weight, as you registered the impact. Funny thing was, you werent suppose to hit into anything. Because there wasnt anything blocking your vie. As you reclled, and not to mention the fact you heard the sound of someone else grunting. You turned in a hundred eighty degree, catching the sight of somebody new.

The 'thing', that wasnt even a thing, turned out to be another hedgehog. It surprised you by the way it looked, as you eyed him from the top to the bottom. The male was holding his head, shaking it ever so slightly. He is a white hedgehog, that had three quills pointed upward while the rest were pulled down. His gloves had a very different uniqueness with its round shape plastered on it. He wore boots similar to Amy's, except his were a bright bluish neon color with white. You couldnt tell much defination of the face however since he was closing them with his hands.

Now, you pretty much knew who you have bumped into. You studied his reaction for awhile before you decided to speak up to the male.

"Um...excuse me?", you tried asking politely, which clearly got his attention as he straightened up quickly and turn and faced you. You caught sight of his amber eyes, which seems to glow ever so lightly. He had quite a tan color, with a chest hair, oddly like shadow's but different. Once he noticed you were observing him, he quickly looked away, a small blush implanted across his muzzle.You couldnt have helped it, but seeing this new personality of character made you giggle lightly, which earned his muzzle to glow brighter. how adorable...

He stuttered, words babbling out in a heep of mess. You looked over to the male concernly now, wondering if you might have scared the poor guy. "Hey, you okay?", you questioned, making him flinched and highly embarressed.

" im fine...sorry for intriguing you..and bumping into you..", he looked down, away from your eyes. You guessed the poor male was shy, and decided to give out a simple conversation. "Its alright, my names (your full name), whats yours?", you politely asked, grinning lightly.

The guy looked a bit surprised, but answered the question anyways. " name is Silver, silver the hedgehog.", silver shyly rubbed the back of his head, still avoiding eye contact. You grinned wider, and answered the hedgehog back, "well, it's very nice to meet you!", you were about to stand up, when the male protested.

"No! Dont stand up!", he rushed to you, making you stay in the postion you were in. You eyed the hedgehog curiously, who simply held your arm making you stay down. He looked once again embarressed, "your quite injured miss! I saw you falling from the sky! Your lucky i was able to catch in time before you actually hurt something an-"

Silver looked down in embarrassment, realizing that he might have told to much. You stared at him astonished, quite impressed and happy. There was a quiet but comfortable silence in the meadow, before you smiled, and thanked the male.

You were about to get up again, when he pushed you down. Making you pout and glare at him. Silver's eyes were wide for a second, before he relaxed and helped you up. You held on his hand for a while, and soon were on your two feet.

Your (type of footwear) were on the verge of standing, before you stumbled and was caught by silver. You felt a pang and pain rush to your right leg, realizing you might have twisted it during the fall, or when silver had caught you. 

Silver looked around nervously, wondering if it was the brightest idea to make you walk. Silver looked at you once more, before he held your arm up for you to support your weight on. You looked down at him, thanking for his help, even though it must have been quite hard since he is shorter than you. "So...(your name), um.. Where are you exactly going too?", Silver asked, helping you hop on your left foot to walk.

You were sure you were almost gonna fall, when you realized that you arent sure yourself. Silver caught on quickly, and started dragging you, which lead you questioning. "Where are we going?"

He smiled up at you, looking over at your kindly. "Dont worry, its somewhere nice.", he replied. You rolled your eyes at his answer, but forget it anyway. You knew you werent suppose to follow strangers around, but sadly, you got no choice, unless you wanted to stay behind and sit on the grass for a few days.

And besides....helpful, caring, and shyness were a bunch of personalities that can be called innocent.

Well, here is a story that i made in another website, it isnt finish yet, but id hope you enjoy!

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