Chapter 16 " Don't worry, nothing happened"

Start from the beginning

I started sobbing again at the thought of almost getting raped when I heard my name being called in the distance.

"Alex! Your ok!" Sam ran up to the bench while the officer excused himself.  

"Yup, I'm fine" I answer in a believable voice

"They didn't hurt you at all?" he asks with concern in his eyes.

"Nope, they just wanted money but the police got here before they could hurt me" God, I hate lying. especially to Sam.

"Thank God!" he said before picking me up and squeezing me in a tight hug, causing me to yelp in pain.

Sam's P.O.V

"Aahh" was the sound Alex made when I hugged her. I thought she wasn't hurt?

"Are you sure your ok?!" what if she's hiding something?

"Yeah, I just have a huge stomach ache... I didn't eat lunch and everything freaked me out" oh thank god that makes a lot of sense, who wouldn't be freaked out?

"Ok good, well not good but better" I said while putting her down "let's get going."

Alex's P.O.V

"Ok good, well not good but better" he said and it sounds like he believes me. I really hate lying to him.

"Let’s get going" he said after putting me down which made me hold in a groan, since my legs are killing me from being kicked.


"Alex!" aah, the loud piercing scream that belongs to my mother said. "I just saw everything on the news! Samuel why did you not call me?!?!?!?!"

"oh umm I was in a rush to get to the studio so I only got a chance to call Sarah and ask her to go over there too" Sam answered looking scared at the raging beas- er... Mother (raging beast) in front of us.

"oh ok, but thank you so much Sam, without you those criminals would still be out there instead of in their new jail cell for the next 3 months before their trial"  mom said. What did Sam do other than show up?

"what did you do to them?" I ask really curiously and worried that they told him what really happened.

"I umm..... Idroveintothematfullspeedwiththecarwhenisawthemmakinganescapearoundthecorner". What did he just say?

"Slower please?" I said before sticking out my bottom lip. That makes him do anything

"oh sorry, I said that I ran into them at full speed with the car when I saw them making an escape around the corner" he made it really clear this time

"but don't worry, I only broke Jacobs nose and a few ribs on all of them" go Sam!

"Thank you so much Sam!" I said before hugging him for a second before I felt pain from the beating so I just covered my stomach.

"is everything ok sweetie?" mom asked sweetly now. Wow, that woman can go from a raging beast to the tooth fairy in seconds.

"Just a bad stomach ache, I think I'll just go sleep it off and take a few pain killers" please say ok, please say ok.

"ok" yes!  "I'll bring them up with a cup of water" lady mood swing said before heading for the kitchen.

"I'll sleep in the guest-room  so I dint wake you" Sam said  thank god, if he rolled on my I would've died from pain.

"ok, thanks babe, I love you" I answered meaning every single word "I love you too, sweet dreams...about me" of course, he just has to act cocky in lovely moments.

"Ok I will...about Alex Pettyfer, goodnight" I said running up the stairs regretting the running because my legs now kill me.

A few minutes after my mom brought up the painkillers, I fell asleep and a nightmare of what happened earlier today and what would've happened started playing in my dreams

 There you go, hope you enjoyed :D

-Amy Sousa

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