Strangers Into Friends

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We meet people

Wherever we go

Airports, planes

Cruises, Worldwide destinations

Standing in line

Strike up a conversation

With someone in front

Or behind you

That's how you turn

Strangers into friends

I always manage

To find someone

To speak with

Or perhaps

They find me


We met a family

In the airport on

The way to a cruise ship

We realized

They spoke Russian

And were also from


When speaking

With them we

Realized we were

More or less

From the same city

Streets close by

In Slutsk, Belarus USSR

I mean

Come on

What are the chances?

A lot bigger

Than most think

2nd example:

On the cruise

At dinner we met

A nice family

From Ecuador

With whom we had very

Pleasant conversations with

Never say never

I've met people 9 years ago

On vacations

And I'm still in touch with

All these years later

You can be half way

Around the world

Or on line in a store

Keep your mind

And heart open

Because there's

Always a way

To turn

Perfect strangers


Lifelong friends

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