"You know only dogs growl." I said

She turned around and glared at me dead in the eyes. I smirked 'Finally' I thought.

She opened her mouth but closed it when she recognized who I was. 'So she remembers me.' I thought. I watched her eyes travel downwards, not that I minded, but I wanted her to talk.

"What all bark no bite?"

I saw her jaw clench. "Y-Your dumb." she stuttered. I laughed and she blushed embarrassed at her not so good come back.

"Is that really the best you could do?" I said.

"No..." she said "You have no idea what I'm capable of."

"Oh really." I said wanting to keep this going. "Care to show me then."

Her face turned red with rage. "I would, but I have better things to do then to show some stuck-up rich ass pretty boy a thing or two!"

She turned and walked gracefully out of my room but right before she closed the door she looked back at me.

"Ya know... I'd like to see things from your point of view, but I can't seem to get my head that far up your ass!" she said and slammed my door leaving me speechless.

I stood there in silence until my food started to get cold. I chuckled "Well played..." I said to myself and walked over to my desk.

"This will be most interesting indeed."

~~~Yugi's POV~~~

"Joey please don't do anything stupid." I whispered to myself and knocked on the Pharaoh's door. I didn't hear anything so I opened the door slightly.

"Your Majesty..." I said "I've come to deliver your food." again I didn't hear anything so I carefully looked up.

"Your Majesty?"

I looked and saw the Pharaoh's face into his pillow and he was snoring sound asleep. I walked in and set the food on his desk, careful not to wake him up. I was about to walk out but something shiny caught my eye.

I looked back at his desk and saw that it was under some royal scrolls. I moved them and saw a golden knife just laying there.

I looked back at the snoring Pharaoh. 'It would be so easy to kill him right now...' I pick up the knife and tip toed to his giant bed.

'All I need to do is stab him, get Joey, and we'll be out of here before they even notice that he's dead.' I thought and climbed onto his bed without waking him up.

I raised the knife up ready to stab him in the heart but he rolled over on top of me.

I had to cover my mouth just in case I made a sound. I felt his arms wrap around me and he snuggled his head under my neck.

'Well this is just perfect, he thinks I'm one of his pillows.' I thought. I moved around little and sighed in relief when I still had the knife in my hand. I was able to wiggle my hand free and raised it again to stab him but I couldn't...

I looked at his sleeping face. He looked so... calm and perfect... His strong jaw, smooth lips, and his tan skin than seemed  to shine in the sunlight

His face scrunched up and his eyes slowly opened. I panicked and threw the knife across the room.

He woke up when he heard the knife crash to the floor. "Huh? What's going on?" he said and looked around.

"Umm... well, u-uh.... Pharaoh you..." I stuttered at our positions. The Pharaoh looked down confused "Why are you in my bed?"

"Y-You sort of pulled me onto y-your bed your highness." I said and looked away blushing. He got off of me and blushed a little. "Sorry about that."

I quickly got up and out of his bed.

"Why are you in my room?" he asked me. I bowed my head down "I got you your breakfast your highness. I was gonna wake you up but you pulled me under you." I lied hoping he wouldn't noticed the knife laying on the other side on the other side of the room.

"Oh... thank you, you can leave now." he said.

I walked out of the room and closed the door. 'Damn, that was close.' I thought. 'I can't risk getting caught doing something like that'

~~~Atemu's POV~~

How embarrassing. Right when the servant left the room I face palmed. When I was little, I had a toy cat that use to be my mothers. I snuggled with it every night until my father took it away saying that a true man doesn't need toys.

Every since then I would just snuggle with my pillows. I walked over to my desk and noticed that some papers weren't where I put them last. Then I noticed that my knife was gone!

"What the?" I said and looked around for it. That knife has been passed down from Pharaoh to Pharaoh. It can't be gone!

I started to panic but relaxed when I saw it on the other side of my room. It was on the floor under a table. I walked over and picked it up.

'That's odd... why would this be on the floor?' I thought and set it back on my desk.

There was a knock at my door. "Come in."

Seto opened my door "Come on, we have a morning meeting with some of the angry nobles."

I groaned and walked with him to the throne room.

'I guess I'll be missing breakfast.'

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