My First True Love {Chapter 24}

Start from the beginning

He bent and brushed his over mine with such tenderness that was making my knees go weak. “Let’s go back to bed” he whispered huskily.

I couldn’t do anything; I lost myself in his eyes. The brown shade of his eyes was mesmerizing. My love for him was greater than anything else, but I also knew that with love comes danger.

Especially for me, I may not be a vampire, but I was human or not, I’m going to fight to stay with Alexander. No matter what.

“Why did you leave me Alexander?” he stiffened. “Why leave me, when you said you loved me?”

“I had to Jane; it was the only way for you to be safe”

“Safe? What could possibly hurt me?”

He looked at me and for a second I saw regret and sadness in his eyes. But what am I suppose to say now? I had to ask anyway.

“There are things in my world that are dangerous for you…we can’t always be together, I love you with all my heart, but I have to keep you safe first”

“So…you’re planning on leaving me again?” I tried not to sob, my heart was aching.

“No…I don’t know…if we stay together, I’m putting you at risk and I can’t do that”

“Why? What is the thing that is keeping us apart? Don’t you want us to be together?” He looked away then, his eyes focused on the forest. I took a step back. He looked at me for a minute; there was anger in his eyes.

“I love you Jane, but there are others that want us to be apart”

“Then tell me, who are they?”

“I can’t tell you”

“Why not? What you are afraid of?!” I shouted. He flinched taking a step back.

“Why won’t you tell me what’s going on?” I whispered while taking a step back.

I could hear the wind rushing, touching my face gently with a cold breeze. I inhale the smell of pines, the night was beautiful.

“I wanted to tell you, but there’s just so much…” At that moment, I heard at how vulnerable he sounded, it made my heart ache.

I slowly walked up to him. His eyes looked tired, leading up to black circles under his eyes, his brown eyes looked less lively; it was as if his soul was ripping apart. He let out a big sigh and looked at me.

Now what should I say? Is this how he wants to end our relationship?

I wonder what he is hiding from me.

“Jane…If I tell you something…a secret, can you promise me that you’ll leave in the morning and never think of me again…that is if you don’t want to see me ever again”

My First True Love {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now