Chapter 19 ~ Epilogue

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Author's Note

There will be a chapter for the note and teh reason why killed himself and such. I can't be bothered to do the playlist thing because i'm greasy and gross and I need to shower at like 1am apparently so yeah ...

Seiko's POV

Today is the ten year anniversary of Yoshiki's death.

A lot has happened in ten years, but I never forgot Yoshiki. I graduated high school with my friends, i've even got along with Shinozaki-san, and decided that I wanted to earn a degree in Psychology. I wanted to help people that felt the way Yoshiki did and had the same sort of experiences he went through. I wanted to prevent people from feeling that the only way out of their problem was death.

I haven't been in a relationship since Yoshiki, but I have had my supportive friends spurring me on and Naomi's encouraging words. Mochida-kun finally grew some balls and asked Naomi out, it's their four year anniversary in about a week or so, actually.

I grip the flowers that are in my hand, Yoshiki actually had a soft spot for flowers, as I walk along the windy path. Stepping through the leaves, I can only think of when I first met Yoshiki. The way he looked at me, the way he smiled, it has still rooted itself into my memories. I wander among several different paths until I had made my way to where I wanted to be.

'Yoshiki Kishinuma - Student, Lover and Beloved Friend. We hope you are at peace.' I lay down the flowers and kneel down next to the slowly-decaying gravestone- shitty grave stones. "Hey, Yoshiki..." I began, "How are you doing?"

"I had an interesting client today. He had blonde hair, much like you own, and he had the most beautiful eyes. They were a mixture of ocean blue and mint green. He had come in because he had frequent panic attacks and night terrors and such, he seemed so fragile, he does seem somewhat similar to you, though."

"Everybody still misses you. I still keep in contact with Suzumoto and Sakurato-kun, even though they moved away to America. I hope they are having a good time."

"You'll be glad to know that Mochida finally stood up and asked Naomi-san out. They're happily dating now! I think they're really cute toghether!"

I sigh and stand up again. "I hope to talk to you soon," I blow a kiss in the air, "my love."

I begin to walk away when something glances my eye. There was a small child sitting on a bench, watching me.

"Who we're you talking to?" The child asked calmly.

"Oh .. just a friend."

"But I can't see anyone here?"

"He's invisible."

"Is he a ghost?" She giggles.

"Of sorts :)"

"Is he an angel?"

"I like to believe so."

"Do you think he knows my daddy, he's an angel too! Well, that's what mommy says."

"Oh yes." I smile warmly.

The small girl jumps up and runs towards a smartly dressed woman with a bunch of flowers. She tugs on the woman's sleeve and points towards me. "That lady say's her angel friend knows daddy! That means that daddy must be an angel too!" The woman looks towards me and I swear I see tears fog her eyes for a minute. She smiles and me and then at her child and ruffles her hair.

I stuff my hands inside of my coat pockets and begin to head home. Yes, I missed Yoshiki and sometimes I let loneliness and helplessness wash over me but, I knew if he was here he would want me to move on, to be happy with someone else.

"I still love you, Kishinuma-kun ..."

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