Kids in Love - Mayday Parade

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Author's Note:
This is the third chapter I've written so far :3 There is about 2 hours of this flight left *^* I've been on her for 9 bloody hours and I've finished No Regrets volume 1 and I intend on finishing volume two

Seiko's POV
As I shove my books into my bag, I hear the classroom swing open and hit the wall. "Oops!" I hear a familiar voice call out. I turn round and there is Yoshiki leaning against the door frame. "Well done in trying to act cool," I laughed.
"I don't need to try, what you on about?" This resulted in both of us laughing.
"So why are you here anyway?"
"I want to take you somewhere."
"Ohohoho," I teased. This caused Yoshiki to blush a light red. I burst out into fits of giggles, I felt bad but I couldn't help it.

Eventually he just grabbed my hand and pulled me through the crowds of people. "So are you going to tell me where this 'somewhere' is?" I asked once we were outside and I had recovered from my laughing fit. He tapped his nose, "it's a surprise!"

He pulled me through a wooded area, haven't I been here before? That's when I saw it, the bench. The bench that me and Yoshiki had a heart to heart on, on the day I truly fell for him. I smiled up at him and her returned my smile. We sat down and looked at each other. "Feels time~" I said, causing Yoshiki to laugh slightly. "But anyway, why did you take me here?" He fidgeted a bit, was he nervous? "Well ... Err ... I wanted to ask you something ..." Was this it? Was he going to ask me out and whisk me out of here. Okay, that was too far. Silence took over. "What do you want to ask me?" I said, trying to persuade him to get on with it.
"Seiko, will you go out with me?"

I didn't respond with a simple yes, that was just too boring. So I pulled his face towards me and kissed him. Our lips crashed together in one swift movement. His lips were warm and soft, kind of soothing. I pulled him into a hug as I did so.

After a while I pulled away and whispered a "yes" into his ear. His face lit up and he smiled at me. We briefly hugged then parted.

I smiled as I walked home, if never been so happy before! I was in an utter state of shock. That me, Seiko Shinohara, had a boyfriend who was non other than Yoshiki!

I danced down the street, humming as I went

I look back to the one and only summertime,

And my girl was the envy of every friend of mine,

She slept safely in my arms,

We were so young and invincible,

Closed lips, she was never one to kiss and tell,

Those trips in the summer never went so well,

Young love is such dumb love,

In my happy daze, I turned a corner and ran straight into someone. "Oh god- I'm so sorry! I-" I looked up to see who I had just ran into. My eyebrows arch in annoyance. Even her face made the anger rise up inside of me. "Oh hi there, Shinohara~" Shinozaki said, faking innocence.
"On second thought, I'm not sorry."

I quickly tried to turn away, I wasn't about to let her ruin my mood, but she grabbed my shoulder. "Hey there, I just wanted to talk!" I struggled free of her grip and began to walk off. "It's about Yoshiki!"

I stopped dead in my tracks. Did she just call him Yoshiki?! I turned around and faced Shinozaki. She was grinning. "What about him...?"
"I saw you guys. I saw everything."
"Yeah... And???"
"I wanted to tell you that I didn't like it."
"Once again... And?"

She ran up to me and pinned me against a wall by my shoulders. "I always get my way Shinohara!" She pat in my face.
"Just stay the fuck away from me and my boyfrien-"
"Boyfriend ...?!"

Her eyes widened and her grip on my got tighter. "Your ... BOYFRIEND!" She screamed in my face.
"Yeah ... My boyfriend." She slapped me across the face, making my cheek ache and turn a bright pink colour. "How fucking dare you!"

I wriggled free of her grip. She stumbled backwards as I stood up from the wall. I flung my fist towards her face, hitting her in the eye. "You ... Bitch!" She cried, clutching her eye. I ran out of the alleyway and started to head back home. I turned, to see if that idiot was still following me

Who knew such a good day could end up like this?

Sorry if this didn't flow that well... I wrote the first half on a plane 2 weeks ago and the last half now, while I'm waiting for a motherfucking Disney parade to start. We've been sitting here for 45 bloody minutes and it's way to warm. Like seriously, iT'S TOO FUCKING WARM. bLEH

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