Famous Last Words - My Chemical Romance

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Author's Note
I though the song seemed quite fitting considering what gonna happen in this chapter. I dunno if it will emotionally damage anyone due to the, probably, shitty description lmao. I'm gonna try start this for Naomi or Satoshit's POV or something idk. -Triggering-

Naomi's POV
"Naomi! Naomi!" Seiko ran towards me. It was the beginning of the day, me and Satoshi were standing at our usual spot on the school yard, waiting. We had seen Seiko walk through the gates and look around. She then spotted us and ran over.

"What is it?"
"Is Yoshiki here?"
"... Not yet ..."
"Oh ... Oh."

Seiko's face turned a shade paler. Me and Satoshi exchanged worried looks. "I... I have to go..." Seiko began, as she turned to run in the direction she came. "Seiko! What's wrong?" I asked, grabbing onto her shoulder.
"Yoshiki ... He ..."
"We're coming with you!" I pulled Satoshi by his arm towards me and Seiko.
"No, Naomi. You guys have school."
"I don't care, a friend is in need! ((That sounds so fucking cheesy lmao))".

Me and Satoshi ran alongside Seiko and out the school gates, I was kinda surprised no one noticed us or tried to stop us to be honest. I had no idea what was going on, but I knew it had something to do with Yoshiki. I felt like I needed to ask, but it probably wasn't the right time. We slowed down to a fast-walking pace and Seiko began to speak. "I went to see him last night," she began, "he looked tired and had scars on both his arms. He looked worn out. He said he hadn't slept that well in a while. He promised me he was better, he seemed better... I-" Tears began to form in Seiko's eyes. She never usually cried. "I'm sure he's okay, Seiko," Satoshi said, giving Seiko a quick hug; he really is a good friend. "Yeah," I piped in, "he's probably just late..." It seemed like a lame excuse, but I was low on ideas at the time. She smiled up as she wiped her eyes for any tears that may have spilled.

We approached the door to Kishinuma's apartment complex and Seiko produced a key out of her pocket. With shaky hands, she pried open the stiff door. She hurried us in and we raced up the spiralling staircase to Kishinuma's floor. Seiko practically beat the door down and she ran inside. "Yoshiki?!" She called. We split up and began to search his apartment: Satoshi was to check the living area and the bathroom, I was to check the kitchen and spare room and Seiko was going to check the spare cupboard and Kishinuma's room.

I slowly pushed open the door to the kitchen, revealing a, pretty big, kitchen. Cupboards lined the edges of the top of the room, each with the same brass handle.  An island was sat in the middle of the kitchen, it was decorated with a marble countertop. On the opposite side of the room, there were various kitchen drawers and cupboards.

I walked across the tiled floor, making clacking noises as my shoes hit the floor, and I made my way to the first of the drawers. I pulled on the handle and the drawer open. It was full of kitchen utensils: a whisk, a few spatulas and such. I then proceeded to the next drawer, this time I found a note.

I pulled it out the drawer and flipped it open. It was addressed to Seiko. Worry began to form in the pit of my stomach, was this really what I thought it was? Despite my urge to rip it open right there, I decided to go find Seiko and hand it to her to open. I checked the other drawers for any other kind of 'clue', I guess, but found nothing. I wandered back through the kitchen and into the living room. I heard something fall onto the ground with a loud thud. "Seiko...?" In reply , I heard a scream.

"SEIKO!" I shouted at the top of my lungs as I raced towards Kishinuma's bedroom. Tripping over the edge of the couch, I fell to the floor. I felt a hand grab me and pull me up: Satoshi. We hurried into Kishinuma's bedroom and found Seiko on her knees on the floor. I raced by her side and gave her a hug. "Y-Yoshiki ...?!" I heard Satoshi say in a quiet voice, almost a whisper. I looked infront of me and submerged the urge to vomit.

There, infront of us, was our friend's lifeless body. He was dangling from a thick rope attached to his cupboard. His arms were limp by his side and pale. Dried blood was painted around his neck. This was the same boy who we had seemed so full of life, the same boy who we had shared so many fun times together.

I clung to Seiko as she wept in my shoulder. I heard Satoshi make a gagging noise, suggesting that he too was struggling not to puke at the sight. I looked up at him and nodded. He slowly fumbled with his phone and began dialling.

I could hear Seiko beginning to whisper Kishinuma's name. She looked terrible. Her face was pale, her eyes were wide and tear-filled, as you would expect. I myself, was also crying, but I felt like I had to be the strong one. Seiko was always so strong, she was strong for me when I was in a bad situation.

I pulled her up and walked her to Kishinuma's living room, her resting on my shoulder. I sat her down on the sofa and gave her a warm hug. "It'll be okay, it'll all be okay..."

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