Chapter 18

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Author's Note

Last chapter! It's only taken me, you know, FOUR BLOODY MONTHS! Granted, I took like a two week break, but still.

I am already planning my next fanfic for when I finish this one, so prepare for some ErenxLevi stuffs! I'm probably gonna not write smut because it would probably go something like this:

'The pee-pee went into the poop-hole and wOAH WOAH SEXY NOISES TIME OHOHOHOH'

So yeah ...

I dunno if i'll write this in Seiko's POV or not ... I already tried it and it sounded like absolute shit so yeah.

Also, I was thinking of adding some kind of playlist to this, idk it was just a shitty idea :3

Okay, i'll start it now ^_~

Satoshi's POV

"Hello, 911 ((or whatever number you wanna use idk im not smart at this shit)). What is your emergency?"

"I-I, my friend, h-he...he hung himself a-and .." I continued to stutter as my shaky hand held the phone to my ear

"Okay, sir, I need to you to breathe and I presume you need an ambulance."


"There is an ambulance on the way, sir."

"O-okay... T-thank you ..." I slowly take the phone from my ear and tap the 'end call' button.

I slowly stumble towards the door, turning the key to unlock it for when the paramedics come. They might be able to do something, but i'm pretty sure it's fruitless. I slowly walk towards Yoshiki's living room, I remember the Black Butler marathon we had just last month. We talked about school and we stuffed our faces with popcorn, it may not sound like much but, to me, it was a golden moment. Yes, we hung out a lot but it was usually at my house, it just made it seem more memorable, I guess.

I saw Naomi cuddled with Shinohara by her side. Shinohara had her head rested on Naomi's lap, Naomi's tears falling from her face and landing on Shinohara's head. I heard Shinohara whispering Yoshiki's name, I couldn't even imagine the heartache she must be going through right now. To lose someone so close to you ...

I go over and sit myself down next to Naomi, she lifts her slightly to look at me. Her eyes are red and puffy from crying and her hair is slightly shaken. "There's an ambulance on the way ..." I say.


"Do you think we're too late?" Naomi look's down at Seiko, not wanting to upset her further with her reply to my question.


After that everything went like a blur. Paramedic, police and other authorities piled into the compact apartment. Mine and Naomi's suspicions were correct: it was too late. We were quizzed, interviewed, recorded and they even took our finger prints. After we were done at the police station and such, we walked home. Naomi decided that she would walk Seiko home and stay with her a while longer, so we went our separate ways.

I didn't want to think about what my family were going to say about me not attending school. I also wasn't looking forward to telling them about Yoshiki, him and my family we're very close; Yuka even thought of him as another 'Onii-Chan'...

Seiko's POV

I pushed open the door of my house and Naomi led me in. Luckily, my younger siblings hadn't been dropped off yet, i'm glad they don't have to see me like this. I'm glad Naomi stayed with me, I don't know what I would have done without her. We sat down on my sofa and Naomi went off to get something. I stared at the floor and tried to process what had happened. I tried to process the fact that I would never see his smiling face again.

Naomi returned minutes later with a blanket in one hand and a letter in the other. She sat down next to me and wrapped the blanket round the both of us. I looked curiously at the letter. "I found this earlier, but I didn't want to show you until you'd calmed down and had time to think."

"I haven't read it yet so, I don't know what's in it, all I know is that it's addressed to you." And with that, she handed me the letter.

I instantly recognized it to be Yoshiki's handwriting. This was a suicide note, as I'd expected. I carefully turned over the letter, my hands beginning to shake again, and pried it open. Several different envelopes spilled out: one was addressed to me, one to Satoshi and one to his younger sister. I put the other ones back into the larger envelope and focused on the one addressed to me. I open the seal gingerly, as if my touch could shatter the fragile writing on the letter, and began to pull it out...

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