Immortals - Fall Out Boy

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Author's Note
I don't really have an author's note ... Oops

Satoshi's POV
Kizami Yuuya? Or was it Yuuya Kizami? What the hell was Yoshiki on about? I tried to brush off the thought, but I couldn't. Our conversation had firmly lodged itself into my brain. I tried to convince myself that it was probably just some kid from a school meet up or something, nothing more.

I sighed. Knock knock. The door swung open and there was Yuka. "Hi, Onii-Chan!" She chirped running over to me. She hugged me tightly and laughed. "Hey, Yuka." She smiled and took something out of her pocket. It was a small jar. "Here. Take it." She held the jar towards me. "What is it?"
"They're scented beads. To protect you."

Seiko's POV
Was Shinozaki's apology genuine? Or was it utter bullshit? I tried to get my head around the situation as I stirred cake batter - I was in the middle of baking.

But why would she apologise? Shinozaki wasn't the type for apologising easily, unless she was apologising to her special Mochida-Kun. That bitch made me sick! How could she just sit and be totally oblivious to Kishinuma's feelings! He poured his hearts out to her and she threw it away like it meant nothing at all. She doesn't deserve him.

I slammed the oven door shut and threw the dishes into the sink, smashing a plate in the process. I guess I was angrier than I thought. Yuu dawdled into the kitchen, confused by the commotion. "What was that sound?" He asked.
"Oh, I just dropped a plate. Sorry." He laughed and wandered back into, what I guessed was, the front room. Innocent little Yuu, he never really questioned anything.

I just couldn't shrug off the idea. Grabbing my phone out of my pocket, I decided to message Shinozaki myself. I fired off a quick couple of sentences to her, asking if she actually did apologise to Yoshiki. Since we had all previously been pretty good friends, I still had her number and everyone else's.

Wait ... I scrolled through my contacts til I found 'Kishinuma'. I smiled as I changed the name from 'Kishinuma' to 'Yoshiki~'. I know that sound really stupid, but it felt like an achievement in a way.

I put my phone down on the bench and grabbed the cake I had baked out of the oven, giving Shinozaki a chance to reply. She probably won't even reply. Hell, she probably doesn't even know it's me!

As I was slicing up the, now cooled, cake, my phone buzzed. I hastily dropped the knife and ran over to my phone; only to discover it was Naomi.
'Hey :3' I sighed. I was sure it was Shinozaki. 'Hi~'
'What chu up to?'
'Baking \ ^-^ / Wbu?'
'Sitting on a chair ...? (◐‿◑)'  I laughed at her reply.
'Gotta go, ly •3•'
'Mkay •3•'

~TiMe SkIp To A bIt LaTeR oN~

I sighed heavily and flopped onto my bed, Shinozaki hadn't said anything. I didn't really expect her to, to be honest. The thing is, it said she had seen it. Is she just trying to block out her problems? All I wanted to know was if her apology to Yoshiki was legit or not? It probably wasn't.

He'll fall for anything if it was Shinozaki who said it. He may deny it, but it's pretty obvious he's still into Shinozaki. After all she's done to him, he still wants to believe she gives a damn...

Sorry, that chapter was utter crap. I just needed a decent length chapter so I can move onto the next one, which by the way will be much longer :3 This one was only like 500 and something words O_o

You Don't Need Her (Seishiki FanFic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz