Welcome To The Black Parade - My Chemical Romance

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Author's Note
Okay so now is a bad time to establish that I may just have a tiny fear of flying ... :/ yeah ... So sorry if this chapter is a bit weird...

Yoshiki's POV
When I was,

A young boy,

My father took me into the city,

To see a marching band,

He said son when you grow up,

Would you be,

The saviour of the broken, the beaten and the damned,

Because one day, I'll leave you,

A phantom, to lead you in the summer

To join The Black Parade...

I replayed my dream in my head. The fist, Kizami, Yuka's scream. Everything was swirling around in my head, it was killing me. Why was I having dreams like this? I felt a sharp, stab-like pain at the back of my head. Clutching it in agony, I looked up from the floor.

Currently, I was sitting on a bench at school. Despite my instincts, I decided to drag myself out of my bed. I wanted to see Seiko. Maybe she could help me...

There was something calming about her. Maybe it was was her amber-coloured eyes that melted all my problems away. Maybe it was just the fact that she cared since its been a long time since anyone actually cared about me to be honest.

I pull my headphones out as Seiko approached me. We exchanged brief looks that morning but we hadn't really talked yet. She plopped down beside me on the bench and looked at me. "Hey, you don't look to fabulous?" I laughed slightly at her comment. "Yeah... I wouldn't exactly class myself as fabulous' at the moment..."
"What's wrong?"
"I just had this weird dream ..."
"... What kind of dream?"

I opened my mouth to tell her but no words came out. I couldn't bring myself to dampen her mood with my problems. And if that didn't kill her mood, then the contents of my dream definitely would.

"Oh. It was just a dream where ... I ... Um ... Drowned?" Well done, Yoshiki's. Great save you dumbass. Seiko looked skeptical. "Hmm ... Yeah, course." I fidgeted in my seat. "You seem pretty uncomfortable, you can talk to me about it later on if you want?" I nodded a reply. She gave me a smile and pulled me in for a hug.

She wrapped her arms around me and pulled me closer to her. Stunned, I just sat there, letting her warmth radiate through out me. I smiled and returned the gesture. She patted me on the back and let go; it was over that quick? She smiled and held out her hand, "C'mon, breaks nearly over!" I grabbed her hand and she hoisted me off of the bench. "Thanks."

Ayumi's POV
I gritted my teeth as Shinohara pulled Kishinuma in for a hug.

I was just simply minding my own business on my own separate bench and then Shinohara starts flirting with Kishinuma! I mean yes, I probably should have stayed out of it but it was their fault, they shouldn't have been talking so loud!

She's trying to take him away from me, trying to turn him against me. But I won't let that happen. I will not willing stand by as that bitch takes my little fanboy away from me!

I smirk at Shinohara and Yoshiki as they break away from their little moment. "Enjoy it while it lasts, Kishinuma-Kun~" I muttered to myself. I kept my eyes on them as Shinohara stood up and pulled Kishinuma up with her. You know, if Kishinuma wasn't obsessed with me, I may actually think they'd make a cute couple... Tough shit.

My mouth threatens to drop open as they walk back in: they were holding hands. Holding hands! My breathing became quicker and my nostrils flared- well, I can only guess. I felt the sudden urge to get even with Shinohara, to hurt her.

Also, sorry I'm making Ayumi sound like such a bitch 😄 She gets more bitchy tbh... Funny thing is, I kinda like Ayumi ... Lmao

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