Iris - Goo Goo Dolls

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Author's Note
I have found me notes now ^-^ Yes I actually wrote it down instead of using the Apple shit :3

Yoshiki's POV
And I don't I want the world to see me,

Cause I don't think that they'd understand,

When everything's made to be broken,

I just want you to know who I am,

And you can't fight the tears that ain't coming,

Or the moments of truth in your lies,

When everything feels like the movies,

Yeah you bleed just to know your alive...

I felt a light tapping on my shoulder. I spin round on my chair to face the culprit. "Oh, hey Seiko," I smiled. Pulling out my earphones, I stood and faced her properly.

She was smiling but it didn't seem... real, almost. There was a glint of worry in her eye. That and the fact she was shifting on her feet. "What's wrong?"
"Er ... It's about Shinozaki..."
"What about her?" I asked, a slight hint of worry in my voice.
"Um ... I just thought that I would say that ... Er ..."

I put my hands on her shoulders and stared her in the eye. "Seiko, you can tell me anything. I won't hate you, whatever you say. I love you." She smiled. "Okay ..." She relaxed. I released my grip on her shoulders and let her continue. "Shinozaki has just been bothering me for a bit, like nothing ser-"
"She what? What has she been saying to you? Has she done anything to you?" I say, my voice raising ever so slightly.
"No, Yoshiki it's fine. She just sent a few hateful texts and she tried to throw a punch but I kicked her ass so yeah..."

Wait, did she just say she tried to punch her? "How long has this been going on for?" I say, trying to not raise my voice.
"Just two or three weeks ... Yoshiki, it's fine, please don't worry."
It was too late for that. I could feel the fire of anger burning bright. I told her I was fine as calm as I could then walked off; I needed to get things straight with Shinozaki.

I wasn't going to beat the crap out of her or any shit like that, or at least I didn't plan to, I just needed to get it straight that she had been bothering Seiko.

"Oi, Shinozaki!" I shouted. She looked up from her phone and smirked. "Oh hi there, Kishinuma-kun~" I stomped over and snatched her phone out of her hands, I needed to see what she had said to Seiko. "Hey! What the hell dude wt-" She tried to grab her phone back but I'd held it up too high for her to reach.

I scrolled through the messages on the device. I tapped on the group of messages sent to Seiko's number.
Hey, guess who?
I said guess who bitch
                                  Fuck off Shinozaki
Jeez calm done, I just wanted to give you some advice
                                What do you want
For you to leave Kishinuma
                                    How about no?
You don't want to get on my bad side Shinohara, I'll fucking cut you, you little skank
                1. I can kick your ass, and             2.       How am I a skank?
Trust me, I can make your life very fucking difficult, so stay the fuck away okay?

The majority of the messages went something like that. I threw the phone back at Shinozaki. It bounces off of her face and smashed on the floor. "Kishinuma, what the fu-"
"Save it Shinozaki, I'm done with your bullshit!"
"Woah there, calm down!"
"No, why would I calm down when I just found out that one of my friends is trying to blackmail my girlfriend?! What kind of person does that?!"
"But I thought you liked me Kishinuma, I thought you wanted me..." She purred. I shoved her off of me.
"Save it for your precious Mochida! I don't want anything to do with you or your stupid attention!"

I ran across the school grounds, I'm pretty sure I heard Shinozaki call something, but there was no was in hell I was turning around. I would have been happy to never see her face again. Luckily, the gates to the school were open. I ran through and headed to the bench; the bench where Seiko had found me.

By now I had tears streaming down my face. I know it wasn't very manly but I don't care, I can't help the fact I'm an emotional person. My fire was slowly burning out. The rage had turned sour, I began to regret pretty much everything I had just done.

I threw myself onto the bench and rested my head in my hands. Why hadn't I interfered earlier? Why had I just assumed everything was okay? Was I trying to hide from my problems? That if I couldn't see them, they weren't there?

The regret and guilt lay in the embers of my burnt out rage. I had burnt it all so quickly, all of it directed at Shinozaki. I shouted and shouted until there was nothing left to burn... Until there was nothing left...

Until there was n o t h i n g   l  e  f  t  .  .  .

You Don't Need Her (Seishiki FanFic)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara