Therapy - All Time Low

264 6 17

Author's Note
Sorry, couldn't think of a way to put a song into this :3 Also if your wondering why I put a video by Joey-Senpai, just read the chapter :3 Also, the italics in Yoshiki's POV is his dream, if anyone finds it confusing ^-^

Yoshiki's POV
I threw open the broken door, I was sure I heard the scream coming from in here. My eyes widened in horror and I resisted the urge to throw up whatever food was left in me. Before me was Yuka. She was strapped down to a table and screaming. I staggered back slightly. There was someone standing beside the table, a knife in their hand. Were they going to stab Yuka?

I felt light headed, but I needed to do something. I scanned the darkened room for a weapon or something I could use to distract that guy.  Aha!  A decaying plank was lying in the corner. I slowly sidestepped to the corner, as not to alert anyone that I was there. I caught Yuka's eye and nodded.

Before I could do anything, he plunged his knife into Yuka's stomach. Screams filled the room. He pulled the knife out, causing blood to pour out of Yuka's stomach. He laughed and turned to face me. I held the plank up, shaking in horror and still slightly stunned from what he had done to Yuka.

"Kishinuma!" I turned my head quickly to where the door was. Shinozaki was standing in the doorway, eyes wide with fear. "Shinozaki! Get Yuka!" I shouted.
"dO IT ((you don't know how tempting it was to write 'jUST DO IT'))" She tried to protest but eventually ran over to Yuka.

All the while, the brutal murderer was nearing me. I held the plank up in defence. "You think a piece of wood will protect you?" He scoffed. He raised the knife and threw it at me. I dodged it by a few centimetres.

He grunted and retrieved his knife. I took a quick glance over to Yuka and Shinozaki. She was desperately trying to unstrap Yuka from the table. I turned my head to face the monster; we were nose to nose. I started shaking. No! I can't be a coward, not now.

I glanced at his shoulder, he had a name tag: Yuuya Kizami. I didn't have time to process anything else before a knife was plunged into my shoulder. With my remaining strength in my arm, I swung the plank at his head.

Blood gushed from his neck as his head detached from his body. I backed away, dropping the plank in the process. How was that even possible? I-I wasn't that strong, was I? I looked down at the headless body of Yuuya Kizami, shaking violently.

"Kishinuma!" I looked up at Shinozaki. She was pointing behind me. Before I had time to turn, I felt a sharp pain at the back of my neck. I looked down at my throat, I tried to scream but it was physically impossible. A fist was shoved in my throat. Blood flooded out of my mouth and down my face. I could feel it on the back of my neck, on my arms, everywhere.

I looked up at Shinozaki who was clutching Yuka in fright. I tried to say the word 'run' but I could only manage a mumble. "I'm so sorry!" Shinozaki cried before picking Yuka up and running through the door. Good, they escaped. But before my vision fades into complete nothingness, I had time to catch a glimpse of my internal organs flow from my stomach and spread out on the decaying floor infront of me me...

I woke up, clutching my throat and sweating. What that all a dream? I tried to calm my breathing, what the hell was that? Why was that Kizami guy there? I shakily stood up, still sweating. I walked into the bathroom and threw water on my face to cool me down. Calm down, it was just a really fucked up dream. But, why would I dream a thing like that? Nothing made sense.

I was one of those people who didn't dream the often. But when I did, it was always there. I had no idea what it was called or where it was, but all my dreams- well nightmares- took place there. We were all trapped in this dingy school building after doing a stupid ritual thing. And everyone was dying...

I tried to brush of the nightmare I had just had, but you can't forget about something like that. Sighing, I rolled over and looked at my clock: 03:45. Well shit. I grabbed my phone and went onto YouTube. I scrolled through my subscriptions feed and decided on a video by TheAnimeMan ((jOeY-sEnPaI)), he always seemed to cheer me up.

~tImE sKiP(again)~

Seiko's POV
I look around trying to find Yoshiki. Me and Naomi were hanging (hanging ... Hehehe. I'm sorry, I found this while editing it lmao) around by the main gate, everyone else was inside. Sometimes we like to be by ourselves, just us two. "What are you looking for, Seiko?"
"Hm? Oh, just Yoshiki."
"Isn't he probably inside with everyone else?"
"No. He usually arrives later than everyone else."
"Maybe he just walked in while you weren't looking." Naomi suggested.
"Maybe ..."

As we were finishing up, I saw a familiar blond walking through the gate. He was a pale colour and he had dark circles under his eyes. Is he okay? I was going to call out but then decided against it.

He looked at me. His eyes weren't usually this dull and lifeless. I gave him a worrying look. He closed his eyes and walked on.

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