The Last Night - Skillet

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Author's Note
I'm updating again :3 I have notes on what's supposed to happen now but they're at home -.- But I have a vague idea what's supposed to happen. Also I'm in love with this song rn <3

Seiko's POV
I walked down the street as the music began to play through my headphones

You come to me with scars on your wrists,

You tell me this will be the last night living like this,

I just came to say goodbye,

Didn't want you to see me cry,

I'm fine,

But I know it's a lie,

This is the last night you'll spend alone,

Look me in the eyes so I know you know,

I'm everywhere you want me to be,

The last night you'll spend alone,

I'll take you in my arms and I won't let go,

I'm everything you need me to be...

I glance down at my phone; I had a message. I glides my finger across the screen and opened the message. Sighing, I shoved the device back in my pocket and continued on my way.

This had been going on for some time now, around the two-week mark. I had been getting random texts and emails telling me to 'back the fuck away from her man' and that I was a 'skank' and a 'whore'. I found it quite amusing that Shinozaki's insults were limited to these three variations. But nevertheless, I found it quite annoying at times. Yes, sometimes I fought the urge to go to her and kick the crap out of her, but that probably would make the situation worse.

Yoshiki doesn't know Shinozaki is doing this. He doesn't know that's she trying to get me to leave him through 'bullying'. Would it be classed as bullying? I'm not getting offended by it ...?

I hastily pulled the headphones out of me ears and stuffed them into the pocket where my phone was. I walked up the winding path towards the school entrance. It was getting closer to Fall (or Autumn) so the path was littered with leaves, they crunches under my feet and I walked.

I was greeted by Naomi as I entered the gates. "Seiko!" She called, waving and jumping. She was standing to the right of the gate with Mochida. Surprisingly, there was no Shinozaki drooling over Mochida. I waved back and began to walked over to them.

"Hi~ Naomi-San!" I smiled. Mochida coughed behind me. "Oh yeah, sorry Mochida-Kun." This made him laugh slightly. "Where is everyone?" I asked as I looked round curiously. It was 8:15, everyone was usually here. "Well, Suzumoto-San and Sakurato are in school somewhere, Shinozaki said she had to go find something and Kishinuma isn't here yet."
"Oh..." was all I could reply with.
"I'm sure he'll be here soon," Naomi replied.

Naomi had always been so kind to me, to everyone really. She's been there for me since we were kids going into Nursery ((or kindergarten or whatever the hell you wanna call it)). Should I tell her about Shinozaki? Should I tell them both.

"Err ... Could I tell you guys something?" I asked. Mochida was a pretty trustworthy guy, so I decided to tell them both. "Your not leaving Yoshiki, are you Shinohara?"
"Fuck no! It's something else..." I began to explain the events that had taken place from me running into Shinozaki in the alleyway, to the text I received this morning.

"I don't want to tell Yoshiki though, I don't want to worry him." I said to them. They both had concerned looks on their faces. "I understand why you don't want to tell him, he can get pretty worried over nothing," Mochida started, "but I think he has a right to know if his Girlfriend is getting blackmailed." Naomi nodded her head in agreement. I weighed my options: I could tell Yoshiki and give him more problems to worry about or I could not tell him and try to handle this by myself.

I sighed, "okay, I'll tell him today... If he turns up." Naomi patted my shoulder. "He'll help you out, Seiko. He loves you."

Yoshiki's POV

Shit! I ran across the path, leaves flying everywhere. I needed to hurry up or I was going to be late. I'd had one of those all-to-real dreams last night and slept in. They're slowly getting more graphic; and in each one, someone important to me dies. I've died, Shinozaki's died, Yuka's died, I could go on.

My bag whacked against my back and I flew through the school gates. I shoved open the doors of the school and slowed my running to a walk. As I arrived outside the classroom, I took a deep breath and pushed open the door. I felt countless pairs of eyes watching me as I made my way to my seat. Luckily, the teacher hasn't arrived yet so I had got off of being in detention.

I surveyed the area, looking for Seiko. She was sitting in her usual seat, but she was giving me a strange look, as if she was worried about something. Was she upset? Was she just worried why I was late? Then a worse scenario popped up in my mind: what happens if she wants to break up with you?

Sorry this was so short, it's like 850+ words or something along those lines. I'll probably write more when I actually know what I'm supposed to be writing... So yeah.

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