Back together

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while...... Problems >~<
Your POV:
I woke up in a stream of daylight from my window. I looked at the clock on my wall and it was 7:24. I couldn't go back to sleep because I was already awake. Jumping off my bed I waddled into the bathroom with new clothes for the day. I thought of Natsu and how much I missed him. My heart fluttered and I clutched my chest dreamily.
Snap out of it.
I put on my clothes and put on my shoes. Then I ran out my door without tying my shoelaces. On my way out I grabbed my knapsack and put my headphones around my neck. I grabbed my waffle out of the toaster quickly and put it in my mouth. I grabbed my keys and ran out the door. I locked my door and stuffed them in my knapsack.
~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~
I arrived at the guild. I swallowed my waffle chunk and coughed. It went slowly down my throat. I opened the door and a table came crashing out, blowing up into splinters. I slammed the door open and an angry look came over my face.
"WHO THREW THAT?" I asked with a tick mark forming on my forehead.
Natsu and Gray immediately point at each other. You walked in slowly up to them smiling. All of a sudden you took a metal bar out of nowhere and smacked Gray in the head with it, knocking him out cold. Natsu tried to run away but you grabbed his scarf. Then you knocked him out too. Gajeel was being stupid so you whacked him too. The all lay on the floor.
"Ladies, gather round. It's payback time." You said taking a sharpie out of your pocket. (Sharpie is a permanent market. Very hard to wash off unfortunately.)
------------Time skip--------
You, Lucy, and Despair had just finished Natsu. Mira, Levy, and Cana finished Gajeel and Juvia, Evergreen, Lisanna, Wendy, and Carla finished off Gray. You all nodded to each other and went back to business.
End of chapter. Thanks for reading!

Don't burn on my watchOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant