Dramatic :)

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Your POV:
I am in my cell. My silhouette danced on the wall as I hung from chains. My clothes are ripped. I have just had another failed attempt to drain my magic. They failed of course. They (meaning the torturers) are the fallen demons. Hiropoo (What I call him) opens my cell.
"What are we going to do with a pathetic use of nothingness? OH, righhhtt! We are gonna have to throw you off the roof!" Exclaimed Hiropoo excitingly.
Time skip brought to you by wafflez~
Your hands were tied together and your  feet as well. They pushed you towards the end of the PLAAANNNKKK!
Then you felt a hard kick in the back sending you off the roof.
Enjoying my story so far? Don't worry! It will get better. I promise.

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