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Thanks to bellpez42 and IsaacWoods :).
Your POV:
I turned magenta and then I regained myself and turned back to my normal skin color. I sighed softly.
"Tsk.... You never learn." I said. He looked at me and started to shake. I put my hand on his throat swiftly and kicked his leg. He fell over on his back.
Everyone looked astonished and everyone flew out the window.
"As for you....CAT," I said. "Catch."
I threw a fish at him. He eyed it and looked at Natsu.
"Did you poison this or something..?" He asked.
"Nope." I said and gave him a grin.
He ate it and looked at me.
"I wish you were my mom (Y/N) so you could go fishing with me and Natsu." He whined. I laughed. Natsu was passed out on my floor twitching.
I sighed. I lifted him up. He was light to me. I carried him out of my room.  I put him in the guest room. I was about to close the door when I heard mumbling. I turned around and saw he was awake. He was looking at me with a gruff face.
"WHAT WAS THAT?" I yelled.
  "gomenasai......." He said.
"It better have been." I said.
Then a tear rolled down my cheek.
"Ar-Are you okay (Y/N)?" He said. He hugged me. I cried into his  shoulder.
"Thank you..." I said.  A bright light emitted from me and I turned into a nicer version of myself, sweet and yet, fierce. Just because I'm nice doesn't mean that I am weak.
He looked at me and reached for my hand. He lifted it up by my wrist. I stared at him, looking back and forth between him and my hand. He then dragged me out to where Happy was pigging out on my fish.
"Our third member of team Natsu is here." He said.
"You likkkkkeeeee her!!" Happy said.
"Shut up before I slap that grin off your face!" We both said in sync. 
He laughed really hard but when he saw I was serious he shriveled down.
"Gomenasai (Y/N..." He said.
Sooooo yeah that concludes this chapter. Thank you for reading!!

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