Devilish grin

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So I don't remember anything from last chapter soo yeah. TIME SKIPPP
Your POV:
You were in your room on your bed. Then you heard a pan CLANG downstairs. You were so frightened you rolled off your bed and back under it. You are shrieking and then you stop realizing someone is coming upstairs. Your face is wet with tears from your sleep. Then you see tanned feet walk into your room.
"(Y/N)??....." You hear a CERTAIN SOMEONE SAY.
Then he kneels down and looks at you under your bed.
"HEYYYY NATSUUU! How is your day??" You say awkwardly. You roll back out and get up.
"I... I just heard a thump from downstairs and I... came to see if you were okay...." He said. Then he blushed and covered his face with his scarf. Then Happy blew in with Despair (Exceed's name??....) .
"NATSU UR GONNA RUIN THE SURPRISE!!" They screamed in sync.
"Oh yeah..." He said. " Catch ya later (Y/N)." Then he, Happy, and Despair went out the window. You sweat dropped because your balcony door was right next to it.
Time skip brought to you by Lucky Star
Natsu's POV:
I was at the table with Team Natsu when I got up.
"Where are you going Natsu??" Luigi asked.
I didn't respond as I walked out of the guild.
"What's wrong with him?" Luigi asked.
" He was gonna have some "alone time" with (Y/N)." Happy said munching on fish.
Luigi's POV:
We were on our way to (Y/N)'s house when we heard screaming.
"PUT IT IN ALREADY!!" We heard (Y/N) scream.
" Ok ok!" Natsu yelled.
"FASTER!" We heard her scream again.
"UGGGGHHHH!" She screamed yet again. Then we heard a thump.
"Ok that's it I'M GOING IN ALREADY!" I screamed.
I kicked down the door to see Natsu with pieces of dough and flour in his hair. Though, he was out cold on the floor. Then there was the extremely angry (Y/N) with flour on her and a pile of dough on her head. Everyone walked in looking around. There was a bag of exploded flour on the floor. The mixer was filled with ingredients and it was lopsided.
"Hey guys.." (Y/N) said taking the dough off her face, slowly.
"WE... WE THOUGHT YOU WERE.....!" Everyone exclaimed.
"You guys sure have a BIG imagination.." (Y/N) said sarcastically.
BUM BUM BUUUMM the ending of this chapter at 410 words.

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