A smile crept up on my face. "You seem like a great father."

He chuckled. "I wouldn't say great. I'm a okay father, I still have my flaws."

"Well doesn't every parent have flaws. Without them, then how are our kids learn that they will make mistakes during their life. It's apart of life; you make mistakes and you fix them or carry on with your life."

A smirk spread across his face. "I wonder what mistakes you have made."

Don't you hate when you look at a sext guy and you felt your self being pulled in by a force...a magical force that no one can understand nor explain.... Keep it professional TJ.

How can I keep it professional, he is a very sexy man. "Maybe we should get to the case."

Soon the force was gone when he became serious and stern. "Yes, of course."

Oh no, I lead him on and now he's hurt. I feel bad. My sweet and innocent side of my finally spoke up after these years. I haven't heard her since senior year of high school, when I had to break up with my boyfriend because he did not have potential and I did.

"Look, I have to beat work in another hour. We can go out to dinner, I know a really quiet restaurant." I suggested.

But my plan seem like it was to fancy compared to his. "Or you can come to my house and I can cook for you. I make a excellent grilled chicken breast with rice and vegetables."

"Is Vincent going to be there?" Please say no.

Robert shook his head. "No, he will be over his mother's."

Good possibility that we may end up in his bed. "Okay. Oh and since his case is in two days, Vincent can not leave the state."

Robert nod. "He won't. I promise. I'll see you at eight, I'll text you my address."

I nod. "See you."


"You did not take my advice!" Riley practically yelled in my ear on the other side of the phone. I was currently heading to Robert's house, which was two hours away from my apartment and kinda in a bad neighborhood. I don't mind it, I grew up in a not so decent neighborhood too.

"Riley, it's strictly professional." I said.

He scoffed and I can tell he rolled his eyes. "Yeah, professionally get in his pants."

"That doesn't make sense." Once I realized I am very close to Robert's house, I turn off my GPS and park my car behind a Mercedes that is parked directly in front of Robert's house.

"Everything with you doesn't make sense. Specifically told you not to be involved with the enemy's family members and you went against my wishes."

"Went against your wishes. Gosh you sound like my father."

"Good, it won't be hard whopping your ass. Do not have sex with him TJ, he could be bad news."

"You know I like the bad boys Riley." I walked up the cracked and ruin steps before stopping in front of his door. "I gotta go best friend."

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