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'HEEELLLPPP!' Stiles cried as he was banging on a wall.He was locked in an empty room. There where no window, no doors and no way he could escape. The walls were made out of metal, which made it seem he was in a huge metal box.

'Help me please!' He said crying his heart out.

He was kidnapped on his was to school today by an Oni. Eventually Stiles gave up and curled up into a ball.

'No, please God help me' he said as a river flowed down his cheeks.
'Malia, do you have anything that belongs to Stiles?' Scott said as they walked through the streets.

'Em, I'm wearing his sweater around my waist.' She said taking it off and handing it to Scott.

Lydia gave her a weird look and so did Kira.

'Why do you have his sweater?' Kira asked Mali.

'Em, just in case.' She said suspiciously.

'Why do you need Stiles sweater Scott?'
Kira said ignoring what Malia said.

'I'm a werewolf Kira remember, I can smell this and follow Stiles' sent so we can find him.' Scott then took a big sniff. Everyone went silent.

'Kira stay here with Lydia.' Scott said quietly.

'Wait, what?' Lydia and Kira said in unison.

'Kira, Lydia doesn't have any powers to defend herself so she need you to stay with her. You never know if they come to attack her while we are helping Stiles' Kira then nodded.

'So where's Stiles?' Malia asked.

'This way.' Scott said pointing to the woods.

Automatically, Malia mouth turned into a vicious fanged mouth, razor sharp claws formed and her eyes turned from brown to a bright blue.
Scott claws were like knifes and his teeth turned as sharp as Malia's. However, Scott's eyes turned a blood shot red because he is the alpha. Scott sprinted with his werewolf speed deep inside the forest with Malia running close behind.

They both arrived at the nemeton. It's was a massive tree stump in the middle of the forest. On top of it was a massive metal box.

'Scott, are you sure Stiles is here.' Malia asked.

'I'm 100% sure.' He replied with confidence.

Malia ran towards it and punched the metal wall, then kicked it and punched it again using all her Strength. She become out of breath. Scott slowly walked towards it and kicked with all his strength. A roar burst out of his mouth and he did it. The wall fell.

Stiles was in there curled up in a corner crying. He stood up and ran to Scott.

'NO SCOTT YOU WEREN'T  SUPPOSE TO SAVE ME!' Stiles yelled. Scott was confused.


'What?' Scott said quietly.

'Void stiles is after your sister Scott. Cathy. I was just a distraction.' Stiles said on the verge of crying.

Scott howled a deafening howl and feel to his knees.
How could this all happen so fast?


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Void Stiles Book1 (Teenwolf Fanfiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now