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'Hello Isaac' Void Stiles said as he watched the oni strap him down on a chair.

There were in an cold, old abandoned house. There were no light or electricity. The smell of the mould burned Isaac's nose. 

'You're not going to get away with this!' Isaac shouted as he tried getting out of the restricting chains.

'That's what they all say' Void laughed.

The Onis got another chair and placed it next to Isaac.

'Who is that chair for?' Isaac asked.

'Your new little friend Liam' he said as the soldiers dragged Liam in and strapped him down to the chair.

'Liam this is Isaac and Isaac this is Liam. Now Liam let me tell you who I am, this will be a recap for you Isaac.'  He winked at Isaac then sat on the floor crossing his legs.

'A Nogitsune is a Dark kitsune, one of type Void. They draw their power from strife, chaos, tragedy and pain meaning they feed off of pain.

Nogitsune are particularly prideful, they have a dark sense of  humour and are dangerous when they have been offended. I have been offended! Your pack thinks they are stronger than me! THEY ARE WEAK!'

He stood up and leaned over to Isaac. He reached over to grasp his face.

'Aawww poor Isaac, your the worst of the pack. Where were you when Alison died?'

He started to tighten his grasp, hurting Isaac.

'Where you the one holding her when she died? No, it was Scott. I hate Scott but at least he had the respect to stand by his pack when someone dies.'

Void fingers started to pierce through his cheeks slowly. Isaac is staying strong but tears are streaming down his face.

'Don't make me put you in the freezer' he whispered in his ear. Once he said that Isaac cried his heart out. He tried to get out of the chains but he couldn't.

Thanks for reading . I hoped you liked it.

The Onis are the two people standing up in the photo. Just in case you didn't know what they were.

Also, if you didn't understand the freezer part:
Isaac has  claustrophobia and his abusive father use to lock him in a freezer.

Thanks for reading.
; )

Void Stiles Book1 (Teenwolf Fanfiction) EDITINGWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt