Mountain Ash

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'Dr Deaton! Void stiles is back!' Malia yell to him as they burst through the doors of the animal clinic. Malia struggled to carry Scott's injured body.

Dr Deaton saw that Scott was hurt so he immediately cleared the table. Scott groaned in pain as he was placed on the table.

'I'm not healing' Scott cried.

'You are Scott. It's just slower than normal because the cut is really deep'

'Scott breath' Kira said calming him down.

Dr Deaton bandaged Scott up and gave him a fresh black shirt to wear.
'What are we going to do?' He said monotone.

'Get our pack back and destroy Void Stiles once and for all' Kira said.

'But what did we do wrong last time?' Lydia said to herself out load, making everyone turn to her.
Everyone stopped and thought about it in silence.

'I don't know' Scott said brushing his hair with his hand.

'wheres Stiles?!' Malia said starting to panic.

'Yeah! I haven't seen him all day' Lydia agreed.

Kira went over to Malia and started to calm her down. But Lydia noticed that there was something wrong with Scott. Something seemed unusual. He kept staring at the floor and vigorously tapping something. Right now he was tapping the table he was sitting on with his hand. No one but Lydia seemed to notice.

'Scott what's wrong?' Lydia said quietly so no one but him could hear.

Scott slowly looked up at Lydia.
'My little sister coming back from a boarding school in England, I'm worried she might get into all of this. Maybe even worse, used against me.' He said quietly with his sexy deep voice.

'Can't she stay there for a little longer?' Lydia said starting to feel empathetic.

'No. She's already on her way.' He said looking back at the floor. Lydia didn't know what exactly to do. 'she should be here tonight, her name is Cathy.' Scott sighed.

'Don't worry Scott we wont let anything happen to her.' Lydia said with a weak smile smeared on her face. Scott smiled faintly back.

'Guys!' Malia interrupted, 'We need to find stiles!'

'I might know where he could be.' Scott said getting off the table.

'Scott wait!' Dr Deaton called out, 'take this mountain ash. You can trap mystical creature with it because no creature can pass this ash. Just put it on the floor in a line or a circle.' It was in a glass bottle. Scott smiled and left with the pack to find stiles.

Void Stiles Book1 (Teenwolf Fanfiction) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now