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I stood in front of the people of the community. Every one looked at me firmly, like they were trying to see into my soul. I grasped the G charm on my bracelet and took a deep breath.

"Who are you?" The man standing directly in front of me had a deep, gravely southern accent and he was wearing a police uniform.

"Rhylee. Rhylee Rhee." I calmly took my gun from it's holster and sat it on the ground. "I'm looking for my father. His name is Glenn."

"Rhee?" The man asked.

"Yeah, Glenn Rhee. Do you know him?" I asked.

"Glenn has a kid?" A woman with short brown hair and a soft southern accent asked.

"So, you know who he is?"

"I'm his wife. I'm Maggie."

"Is he here?" My heartbeat quickened.

"Yeah. He's here. Before you can see him, you'll have to speak with Deanna." The police officer told me.

"Okay, I can do that, but who are you guys?"

"Deanna's the leader of this community, I'm Rick, that girl right there is Maggie, that's my son, Carl, Ron, Sam, Enid, Jesse, Tara, Eugene, Abraham, Rosita, Aaron, Eric, Daryl, and Pete."

I listened as Rick introduced me to everybody, and then I followed him to Deanna's house.

"What did you do before all of this?" Deanna asked me.

"I was eleven. I didn't do much. I liked to play basketball. I liked the thrill of running across the court. I also took some archery classes."

"Have you ever been attacked by one of the living?"

"My step-dad."

"Oh. So, you were sporty?"

"Not really. My step-dad loved basketball. He made me play. I just grew to like it."

"You took archery. Can you shoot a gun?" Deanna asked.

"Yes. I've gotten pretty good."

"Are you fast?"

"I'm quick on my feet. I get in, I get out."

"Just like Glenn." She said.

"Well, he is my dad."

"Well then, I've got two jobs for you. You be a lookout and runner."

I nodded and Deanna led me down a long road with houses on both sides. She pulled me up to the door. A boy around my age with shaggy brown hair opened the door. I think Rick said he was his son. Charles?

"This is Rhylee. She'll be living with you guys. Is your dad here?"

"Hi Rhylee. I'm Carl."

"Is Rick here?"

"Carl get back. Rick's out right now. Can I help y-- Rhylee?"

Little Rhee (A Walking Dead fanfiction) *Under Editing*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن