"Oii" I said. "That's not very nice."

We all laughed and I turned to face Allison. "And last, but not least." I told Allison, hugging her. "What has life been like? I haven't talked to you in forever."

"Well, me and Harry recently got engaged." She lifted up her hand, revealing a beautiful diamond ring.

I grabbed her hand, to see it more closely. "Why didn't you tell me this stuff before? I needed to know this." I shouted playfully, but not enough to ruin the guys recordings.

"Well, we haven't seen you in a while. You never answered any of anyone's calls or texts, so we would have contacted you, but you never answered us. But now you know." She grinned.

"Sorry about that." I said, lowering her hand.

I turned to see Simon, slouching against the wall bored. "Simon. Come here." I whined, wanting his attention.

He snapped back into reality. "Whaat?" He asked in an annoying voice.

"I want you." I opened my arms for him to fall into, and he did. "Thank you." I said in a really young girl voice.

As we were finished catching up, me and Simon decided to prank one of the guys. Josh and Vikk were playing FIFA, Josh teaching him how to play, so we decided to pull it on them.

I wanted to recreate the prank that Simon and Josh pulled on JJ awhile back (you get a cookie if you have seen the video), and we both agreed on it.

I grabbed a small stuffed animal to throw & Josh's mask. Simon grabbed his mask, and handed him the stuffed animal.

We stood in front of their door, and nodded for the plan to begin. We silently opened the door, and walked in even quieter than a mouse. It was a relief that none of the floor squeaked as you walked across it.

Simon let me get to the side, allowing me to get in position for whenever they turned back.

"Alright! Vikk pass it!" Josh said.

As he said that, Simon threw the stuffed animal, smacking into Vikk's keyboard.

Both of them jumped slightly, and looked at the source. "Nice try, Simon. Can't get me." Josh said.

Before the next thing, I walked in front of their faces as they turned ahead. Josh screamed like a little girl nearly falling out of his seat, which was kinda adorable. Vikk was on the other side of the room because he jumped so high. "So Josh, can't get you, huh?" I said sarcastically.

"Fuck off." He said to me, pissed off, but jokefully, understanding that it was just a prank.

I was dying of laughter, as well as Simon. "Why the hell did you do that?" Vikk said, slowly returning to his seat.

"Thought it was funny." Simon said, laughing at the doorframe.

They returned back to the computer. "Well, we are back! We were interrupted by our friends, as you may have well seen." Josh looked up at the camera, and started to play and record again.

Me and Simon walked out, and did silly things in the background until Vikk closed the door, completely kicking us out.

"Best thing ever." I said, looking at Simon.

He grabbed me by the waist. "Couldn't have been better. I have the best prankster there is, and I love to call her my girlfriend." He told me and then kissed my nose.

"Well, you are my partner in crime, and wouldn't trade you for a thing. Unless, it was Preston." I giggled. (Preston -aka TBNRFrags)

"Oii. Why the cactus?" He said, referring back to how much Preston loves cacti.

I smiled. "I was just kidding, Si." And kissed his chin because I couldn't reach his lips on flat feet.

He looked back down at me, and kissed me on the lips, my desired target. "Is that what you wanted?"

"Percisely." I grinned. "Now, if I remember correctly, I believe there was Nando's promised to me in celebration for me returning home."

"Alright, I will tell everyone." Simon said, pulling away.

It was good to be back home.

÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷I hate writing these types of chapters, they are just so... ugh.

But all I can say is that I have a 3 day weekend, which makes me really happy :D this means I can finish my drawing of Tobi. :)

Well, if you guys did enjoy leave some feedback, and see ya!


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