Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

“How far gone are you?” Amelia enquired

“Oh, very new, about six or seven weeks. I just felt weird, the doctor did one of those internal examinations, hurt like hell, but it’s there, little baby Crawford is actually there!”

“Go on, go and tell him, he’ll be over the moon!”

“I hope so,” Kaitlin kissed her cheek, “Bye...sis.”

Amelia grinned and waved at Kaitlin as she walked off.

She felt lips against her neck.

“Hello gorgeous.” A deep voice rasped

She jumped, “Blake Goldstein! Don’t sneak up on me like that! It’s not funny!”

“Damn right it’s not!” he pouted, “You’ve been avoiding me all day!”

“Oh baby! Of course I haven’t, I’ve been busy, that’s all.”

“I’ve been neglected.”

She kissed the corner of his mouth, “I love you.”

He smiled, “I don’t think that will ever get old.”

“And what do you say back?”

“I love you too.” He grinned boyishly

“You’re right, it never gets old.”

Blake wrapped his arms around her front and rested his head on her shoulder, swaying to the music.

Amelia saw the exact moment that Kaitlin told James. He pulled away, his eyes wide with horror, then panic, then sheer excitement. He whooped like a young boy and kissed her hard, sweeping her off her feet.

The crowd cheered and Blake wolf-whistled.

“What’s going on?” he asked

“She’s pregnant.” Amelia smiled

“Pregnant? Oh man, that’s great!”

“I know!” Amelia beamed


“Yes Blakey?”

“You think you’ll ever want kids one day?”

Amelia froze. Children? She’d never really thought about having kids before. But children meant marriage. Marriage to Blake! She tingled all over. But he wouldn’t want marriage. Would he?

“Sorry,” he mumbled, “You don’t have to answer that.”

“No!” she protested, “Sure, I’d like kids, one day.”

His eyebrows shot up, “Okay.”

“Are you okay?” Amelia asked

“Hmm...” Blake growled, burying his head in her neck, “You smell incredible. This colour suits you.”

Amelia looked down at her blush pink dress that hung in all the right places. She turned around.

“Ever since that day on the plane, I told you Blake, pink is your colour.” She adjusted his pink tie

He scowled and Amelia kissed him softly.

“You know what they say Blakey, only real men wear pink.”

“Blake, darling!”

Amelia growled. Lexy.

She sashayed over towards them in a very revealing orange dress.

She kissed both of his cheeks.

“Lexy?” Blake frowned, “What are you doing here?”

“James invited me. Oh, he’s such a sweetheart, I do love a big, strong handsome man, although...” she giggled, “You know that from experience don’t you?”

Blake laughed, “Oh Lexy, I’ve missed you.”

She smiled seductively, “And I’ve missed you Blake.”

Her gaze flickered to the right and she regarded Amelia with cool contempt, “Amelia.”


Blake smiled, completely oblivious, “I’m going to have a chat with the happy couple. See you in a bit.”

Lexy sighed loudly, watching Blake’s retreating frame.

“Amelia, I am so sorry.”

“Sorry for what?” Amelia frowned, “Alexis, sorry for what?”

“We slept together.”

Amelia’s heart lurched and she forced down the bile that threatened to spew out of her mouth, “I beg your pardon?”

“We met up and got talking about the past, he kissed me and...well, one thing led to another. Amelia, he said her still wants me, said he was going to leave you, it was always me, said he loved me.”

Tears flew to her eyes. Love? Loved her? Kissed her?

“You’re lying.”

Lexy shook her head, “He said he was going to leave you at the end of this holiday.”

Amelia’s hand flew to her mouth to stop her sob.

“Excuse me.” She quickly departed

“Amelia, wait! I thought you’d want to know!”

Fear. Anxiety. Anger. Hurt.


Lexy grinned mischievously. Stupid gullible girl. Some were just too easy to fool. All it took was a few days and it wouldn’t take much more for Blake to be back in bed with her.

My, my, my, Blake Goldstein had changed. He was hot before, granted. But now!

That hair, that smile, that mesmerizing jaw...

That stupid Amelia whatever-her-name-is was annoying the hell out of her. She thought she was so intelligent. Well, smart had nothing on pretty. And she was very, very pretty.

After all, she was Blake’s first, and if she had anything to do with it, she’d be his last.

Of course, once she was done with him, she’d leave him heartbroken as she did all of those years ago.

One man for the rest of your life? What sane woman would want to do that?

He was very, very hot, but love? Love did not exist. Love was for idiots.

And if there was one thing that Lexy Greene knew, it was that she was definitely not stupid.


Is stupid spelt with two o’s or one?


[Author's Note]

Hello boobears!

So DRAMA in this chapter! Blake seems to have been a very naughty boy, hasn't he?

I hope you all have enjoyed this chapter. Hopefully I will be able to upload during the next week as I am on holiday.

I do actually write these chapters out by hand first, so that's why it takes me so long to upload, but I write my ideas as they come to me, so this is pretty inevitable.

Thanks for all your support once again! I really appreciate all of my readers and fans.

Love you all lots and lots as usual!

- Bex. 'xo

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