Chapter Two

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I can't let them continue the case without me, at this point I really don't care about what happens to me, I have people always covering my back, Jack hadn't had that back then. He'd had me of course but I was a young, naive detective fresh out of school; I didn't have a clue what I was doing. What's important now is that I bring him back home where he belongs, home. It's not fair on either of us other wise. I need to put my spy skills to good use and actually do something helpful. I'm done with petty theft and lost handbags. I want in on bringing him back.

Three years I've spent desperately searching and all it's done is have a bad effect on me. My once thick, long and glossy bright blonde hair is now kinda split-ended, straggly and I'm finding endless grey hairs, from the stress. I wonder what Jack would actually think of me if he saw me now. There are very dark circles under my eyes and my face has been drained of all it's youthful colour and glow. I'm only twenty six but I look forty.

I hadn't gotten this far just to give up or leave it to some strangers who didn't know him like I had, didn't know how vital it was to bring such a strong and heroic man back. I wasn't going to stop looking but if I continue, I know I'll just be driving myself to an early grave. So it stops now. I want them to tell me everything. No, need them to. 

I had been sulking in my office for the rest of the afternoon after that little mishap in the files room when Robert had caught me with Jack's file but I had also been pondering on everything I read in his file and there were... let's just say inconsistencies. It was then that I came up with the perfect plan. Well not really. But it was then that I knew what my next step was at least.

"Robert? Where's the rest of the file?" I demand, forcing his office door to open in front of me as I storm into his office. Once my gaze falls on him at his desk after I enter however, I realise Robert isn't alone in here. There's a man dressed up in a crisp new guards outfit standing very straight in front of him. When the guard sees me his mouth slacks a little but he quickly controls it, he's not quick enough though and I do catch it.

"S-sorry," I manage to stutter but I'm still so convinced to get some answers on the questions flying round my brain, that I get a spurt of confidence. "But it's urgent, Sir." I add firmly.

He's sat behind his desk looking into many open files but he stops and slowly looks to the guard apologetically, over at me and then back to the guard. "Whitney, I expect no less than the best. Understand?"

The guard nods severely once and looks back to Robert. "Yes, sir."

"Excellent, don't let me regret hiring you. I look forward to seeing your work." Robert adds going back to skimming through papers as if the conversation has ended there. Even the guard looks a little puzzled but he quickly realises nothing more is going to be said and turns to head out the door, passing me.

Except he stops when he reaches me. "Afternoon." His deep voice entrancing as his thick dark hair distracts me but I find myself holding out a hand to him. He accepts it but shaking it for a moment, a little longer of a moment than a hand shake should go on for, I think to myself. "Willow Calendular." I introduce myself.

"August Whitney," He smiles back. I find myself a little entranced by his perfect teeth and Robert clears his throat behind him.

"Get to work now, son." Robert commands back from his seat, obviously a little displeased at our little introduction.

"Yes sir." He complies before giving me one last little uplift of the corners of his perfect mouth and he's out the door. 

Robert looks up to me. "How can I help you, Willow?"

I begin to nod, shaking off what had just happened and distracted me. Thoughts of Jack come flying back from place they had actually migrated to when I was in the presence of August Whitney. I wonder for a split second if there was more to it than I think but I push past that thought. I don't have time for new romances when I'm still so hung up on Jack.

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