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I'm going to start off by saying I hope everyone who is going to Belfast tonight has an amazing time and makes sure that Liam receives the nicest and friendliest reaction that he deserves as I know it must've been something serious because that boy would go through anything not to disappoint us :((



first of all I don't want anyone to think I'm showing off I have just been messaged multiple times to share my experience and that's what I'm doing :))

Firstly we flew to Ireland and then qued for abour 10 hours (luckily it didn't rain but it was cold!) when the doors opened we ran into the arena and as we were standing there were quite a lot of people in front of us but me and my friend sprinted AND GOT TO THE BARRIER ON THE B STAGE AND IVE NEVER BEEN SO FUCKING EXCITED

anyway throughout the concert Louis slowly started to show a keen interest in our corner of the stage and was by us for 99% of the time and I mean he was literally within touching distance. I didn't really see much of Niall over our side as he was mainly in the middle but Liam Louis and Harry were over to see us quite a lot. I had one side of my banner saying 'tbh I'm just here for Lou and Lux' and Niall pointed and shook his head and laughed but when Harry came over I turned it round to the side which said 'tbh I prefer Gemma' and Harry took a few minutes to read it and then went 'but why' and flicked his hair and walked off and turned back to laugh IT WAS SO CUTE. Then the people against the barrier with us threw water at us but he thought it was me and my friend that had thrown the water at him so he picked a bottle of water up and placed it on the edge of the stage as if to say 'if you throw water at me I will just throw it back' and had THE SMUGGEST LOOK ON HIS FACE, the people behind us threw more water at Louis so he picked up a bottle of water and threw it over me and my friend because he kept thinking it was us who was throwing the water when it wasn't! Then during one of the songs Louis walked back over to us and pointed at me and my friend and pointed to his top which was still wet and walked over to Liam to whisper something then Liam walked over to pick a bottle of water up then lilo came over and threw the 2 bottles of water over us!

As my friend is a Louis girl she freaked out when he waved at her and then at the end of better than words he pointed to her and laughed and pretended to faint like she did it was the cutest thing and I got it on video! Half way through the concert nialls security guard came out and placed 4 cans of silly string on the stage and Liam quickly picked one up and began to spray it over our side, when that ran out he ran back and picked up another can and aimed it right at me and my friend and we got covered. Louis saw this and strolled over to pick up a can and I knew it was coming straight for us which it did! He used a whole can on me and 4 other people then when that ran out he used a 2nd can on us.

I am not ashamed to say I cried during 18 as if all got a bit much and it's my fave song and in my other concerts I managed to hold it together but in this one I just cried and the security guard in front of me kept asking if I was okay or wanted any tissues or water he was so sweet!
In one of my videos (I have posted them all on Twitter and will post my username at the end) you can actually hear Louis talking during Stockholm syndrome and story of my life without his microphone that how close we were it was insane! Then during act my age it all went off Harry re read my banner and threw water over me and my friend then out of no where Liam appeared with another bottle of water and threw it over me and the people behind us and then Louis was obviously feeling left out so he picked up a bottle and threw it all over us!

THEN OMG I CANT EVEN REMEMBER WHOS SPEECH IT WAS BUT someone started talking and this camera man appears from no where and stands on the corner in front of me and my friend and smiled at us and I was like aw he's nice then Louis laughed at nialls security guard and he rolled his eyes in response. Louis then looked directly at me and laughed then looked back at the camera man and nialls security guard and they all looked and laughed and I freaked the fuck out and was like okay what's going on then you know the bucket they keep towels and water bottles in?? Well nialls security guard (sorry I don't know his name!) started emptying it then Louis crouched down next to him and began to help empty it and I laughed and was like okay what are they doing.

Then drag me down started and Louis kept looking back at me and raising his eyebrows and you know when they're looking directly at you like you can just feel it! So then during nialls solo I think he walked back to the now empty bucket and picked up a water bottle which was beside it and began to pour it into the bucket (BARE IN MIND THE WHOLE TIME HE DID THIS HE DID NOT BREAK EYE CONTACT WITH ME) he just kept raising his eyebrows then looking at the water than back at me and the camera man and security guard kept laughing and I started freaking out like there's no way he's gonna fill that up with water and throw it over us/me. Anyway the song carried on and the camera man looked at me and goes 'that's a nice phone so I'd put that away in a second if I was you' and chuckled with nialls security guard and I was like oh my god why and nialls security guard was like 'I'd listen to him if I was you' I looked up at Louis and he was laughing. Anyway the end of the song came and I was still recording and Louis walked over to nialls security guard and handed him his microphone and the camera man turns to me and goes 'I'd put that phone away if I was you' so I look up to find Louis walking over to us with this water filled bucket and just before he throws it he stops and goes 'you better put that phone away I mean it' and nialls security guard started yelling/laughing for me to put my phone away (which I didn't do) and then Louis just dumped the bucket of water over us and then just walked off like nothing happened! The camera man quickly caught the moment before offering me a towel to wipe my phone and my now make up stained face! Then Harry came over and laughed followed by Liam who shook his head and chuckled!

The next day we went to the leprachaun museum (bc when in Ireland) and as you all know I'm in love with Lou so as I was sitting in a cafe with my friend before we went in my other friend rang me and was yelling at me to look at Lou's snapchat which I did and she was in the museum with Lux! So as we began to walk towards the museum lux and Lou were walking towards us and I was nearly crying I literally couldn't walk so I thought I'm just gonna talk to her, I normally wouldn't but I thought this is probably this first and only time I'm gonna see her and she was walking on her own as Lux was with a man up ahead so I called her name and she turned and smiled, I asked her if I could show her my banner and she said yeah of course so I showed her a photo of my banner that I had on my phone and her face lit up she goes 'that's so cute thank you so much' lux came over and Lou showed it to her and lux goes 'that's my name!' And pointed to it on my screen it was so adorable! Then Lou asked us if we had a good time at the concert and we were talking for a bit then I said how Louis threw the bucket of water over us and she laughed and apologised then went 'he doesn't normally throw buckets of water over fans and he doesn't normally walk off from his microphone stand during drag me down so he must've taken a liking to you' and I freaked out! She asked if we would like a photo and I calmly said yes when inside I was like OH MY FUCKING GOD YES YOU ARE MY QUEEN and she apologised and said how she hadn't make up on and we both gushed at how she doesn't need it and she asked what colour lipstick k I was wearing as well as what brand I used for my hair colouring (which was bleach London so she was very happy and impressed!) So we took the photo and we went our separate ways!

It was the most amazing weekend of my life and I'd if you'd like to check out my photos/videos including my photo with Lou (I'm the blonde one with the fringe) my Twitter is @erghharry and let me know your best concert moments/experiences :)))

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