Distractions - Liam

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"Not now Liam," you plead as he knocks on the office door a third time. 

"You've been in there for hours," he moans. 

"I'm studying!" Your explanation doesn't faze him. 

"Please let me in baby." You had locked the door to keep him out, knowing that if you didn't he would be in and out of the room full of distractions, not allowing you to study.

 "I can help you." He added

"Since when? You say you're going to help but you always end up getting me off subject." You hear him sigh from beyond the door. "

I'm sorry Liam. I'm just really stressed. I need this time to study." 

"Let me help you then. I promise I won't be a distraction." You roll your eyes at his request but instead of ignoring him like you know you should you get up from your seat and unlock the door. A bright smile stretches across his face once you open the door. 

"No distractions," you warn. 

"Right. No distractions." The cheeky smile on his face worried you. 

"What are you studying for?" He questions, looking at the mess you had made of the desk.

 "Paradise Lost," you answer.

 "That's a book right?"

 "Yeah." You chuckle, this is getting off at a great start 

"Okay, we've got this." You shake your head at his confidence. He knew nothing about the book you had spent half of the semester reading and the both of you were aware of that.

 "Do you have flashcards or something?" He asks filtering through the mess. 

"You don't use flashcards for an English exam Liam." 

"Why not?" He answers, confused

"Because the questions he's going to ask aren't in 'flashcard' form." 

"Well that's stupid." He shakes his head and rolls his eyes 

 "It's college babe." 

"Well I don't like college." 

"You aren't in college." 

"Well if I was, I wouldn't like it." You shake your head at his pointless argument. 

"How about I study and you can sit on the couch with the laptop."

 "I want to help though." 

"Babe..." You say with a protesting voice. 

"Alright." His voice was disappointed but you knew he wouldn't be able to keep you on task.

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