When All You Need Is Him

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Harry: "Baby c'mere..." he murmured, picking you up from your spot on the bed, and placing you on his lap, holding you like a small child. You curled up, your arms resting on your stomach as small sniffles came from your nose. The last few days, everything had just been ripped out from under you and you had been feeling absolutely hopeless. But when Harry had you in his arms, something felt different, something felt right. It was as if as you sat in his arms, being held close to his chest, it felt as if that was where you belonged.

Liam: "Don't cry... Please," Liam frowned, grabbing you and holding you tightly, just as you began to really fall apart. You were engulfed in his scent, your arms going around him tightly as well to prevent yourself from falling to your knees. Your mind had been a constant dark cloud, hanging over your shoulders like a thousand bricks. But when Liam's arms were around you, keeping a protective grip, some of that weight seemed to disappear. The fog above your head was replaced by Liam's soothing presence, and for the first time, things began to look up.

Niall: "Princess..." he sighed, looking at your shriveled up figure on the couch. He didn't know any other way to help you other than falling next to you, pulling you into his side and keeping his arms firmly around you to reassure you that you weren't alone. "Awe baby... This isn't fair to you," he mumbled into your hair as you hiccupped against his shirt, dry tears sticking to your cheeks. Sitting there, you just focused on him and not on the negativity that seemed to surround you. You just wanted him, his arms that protected you from all of that just for a while.

Zayn: He picked you up off of the bathroom floor, not wanting to see you in such a vulnerable position. He had you on his lap, sitting on the closed toilet and just sitting in absolute silence, your occasional sniffle filling the empty air. You sat there numb, letting his arms hold you tightly, your dull eyes staring straight ahead. The whole world had seemed to go cold, draining you from every last bit of energy. But feeling him so close gave you a feeling of slight warmth, giving you hope that recovery was near.

Louis: The two of you lay in bed, your body starting to recover from the huge breakdown that occurred earlier. "Are you doing okay?" he asked softly, one of his hands gently travelling up and down your back, interrupting the silence that had engulfed the room for the longest of time. You nodded, still not trusting your voice to speak. "Good..." he replied, adjusting you slightly do you were pressed even further to him. The minute he took you into his arms, your body relaxed, the dreadful feelings lessening, giving you some much-needed relief.

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