Personal For StylesChxple

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Personal for StylesChxple

Before you go on to read this I would just like to say how this is in no way a reflection of my opinions and at the end of the day this is just fiction so whatever I write about does not reflect on how the boys would act or anyone related to the boys i.e. Lou and Lottie. My opinion on Larry is that I don't have one, if they want to be together they can and if they don't want to be together then they won't be. The last thing I want to do is to offend anyones opinions or thoughts on the whole situation so yeah now you have read that I hope you enjoy, here it is

"so how long until you are here then love?" Lou questioned through the phone

"I am just walking through security, will probably be about 5 minutes" you replied while putting your headphones into your bag which you had used on the route to the stadium

"alright darling, I am just waiting for Lux to finish reading her book with Lottie in the back room so I guess I'll see you soon m'lovely"

"Okie dokie, I'm just nipping to the toilet then I'll be straight through" you ended the call and entered the ladies toilet situated just past security. You looked in the mirror and was greeted by a make up lacking and scruffy hair girl staring back at you, the decision between sleep or making an effort with hair and make up was an easy decision to make at the time but looking back on it maybe the decision should not have been so easily made. Despite the fact that going out without make up on and with your hair in a scruffy bun is something that you are more than comfortable with when it came to watching Harry in one of their concerts you learnt the hard way that it is best to make an effort as it gives the fans less things to hassle you for.

As you exited the toilets you were greeted by Liam

"Oi oi stranger" he exclaimed whilst pulling you into a hug

"Alright mate" you bantered back

"Long time no see, you watching the show tonight?" he questioned

"Indeed I am so don't think you are going to take the piss out of my boyfriend on stage and think you will get away with it payneo" you poked him in the chest

"Alright alright I will see what I can do, anyway I've got to be quick I'll see you after soundcheck" he chuckled back and continued his journey to the men's toilet next door

"I can hear Y/N" you heard Lux yell as you approached the door

"Hello my little trouble" you smiled as you peered round the door at the toddler grinning back at you

"Y/N!" she ran at you as you happily lifted her and rested her on your hip while your arms were supporting her back and legs

"Long time no see aye" you poked her on the nose as she laughed back

"I've been at my new school, I was just reading one of my books to Lottie, I have to read the whole book!" she widened her eyes in an attempt to show her excited and shocked emotion

"Oh wow!" you laughed back as Lou rolled her eyes at her daughter

"Just how tough life is aye Lux" Lou commented

"I know it's so tiring" she jumped down from your arms and returned to her seat on the sofa next to Lottie

"How are you feeling now love?" Lou questioned as you took a seat next to her on the other sofa

"Not great but I haven't seen them perform in so long and there is only so long I can sit at home alone and mope around" you smiled. The last time you watched a concert with Lou and Lottie the Larry shippers had made you feel like you never wanted to watch a show of their tour ever again, subtle digs and hateful comments being made every song or everytime it went quiet and since that had happened you had spent around 2 weeks not seeing any of their shows but today was the day you had decided that enough was enough.

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