"Dean! What is it." Sam said.

"It was the freaking werewolf!" I said.

"Ok then let's get are Silver bullets and kill the damn thing." He said.

"Yeah but we don't know where the damn thing is hiding out."

Just then my phone started ringing.





I opened my eyes. My head was hurting I tired to sit up but I banged my head on something hard.

"Aww what the.."

I looked around to see that I was in a metal box thing.

"No this can't be happening." I said as I started to freak out.

There was a little window that had bars on it. I turned around and looked out the window to see blood on the ground also there were guts on the ground. I screamed.

"Hey I wouldn't screamed if I was you." This voice said.

I looked out the window again to see that there was another metal box thing with a girl inside of it.

"Who are you." She said.

"I'm Annie lee, who are you." I said.

"Haha well my name is Ann." Ann said.

"Well that's kind of funny but how did you get in hear."

"I was taking a run and I ran pass this guy who was on the ground saying he was hurt and needed help so I help him but next thing you know he knocked me out and brought me hear. I have been here for 4 days." She said.

"How can you tell when it's day or night."

"If you can see it there's a little opening up there. I guess that's how he brings us down here but anyway there a little window on it and I can see the light out of it. But also how did you get here."

"Well I started hearing dog noises and scratching outside my motel door and then he pop up in my window and said that he was hurt and needed help. At first I didn't let him in but then I finally gave in. But when I opened the door he wasn't hurt and stuck me with a needle that had something in it to make me sleepy. Has he done anything  to you." I said.

"No not really. He always comes in and sniffs me and scratches me sometimes but nothing else. But I've seen him kill innocent girls right there for no reason." She said as she started to cry.

"I can remember there screams and the sound of there body's getting ripped open." She said.

"I'm so sorry that you had to see all that."

"it's just a matter of time that it happens to us." She said.

"Well hopefully my brothers will come in time to help us."

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