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I put my bag in the trunk of the car and got in the back.

Sam was already in the car so we were waiting on Dean.

"Are we all ready." Dean said.

"Yeah." Me and Sam both said.

He nodded his head and pulled off onto the road.

It's been hours since we been in the car. I fell asleep but then woke up to see it was dark out and Sam was asleep in his seat.

"Are we almost there." I said.

"Kind of." He said.

I nodded and laid back down in the seat looking out the window seeing all the stars in the sky as we go by.

I sigh.

"What's wrong Annie." Dean said.

Should I tell him about my past that has happen in my small home town that's called Kansas and how scared I'am to go back.

"Well you know how when I first met you I told you every time I got adopted my adoptive parents would die."

"Yeah I remember." He said.

"Well I feel like if we go back I'm going to lose you guys and if I lose you guys I'll have nobody left in my life." I said.

"Hey we're not going anywhere, maybe whatever that thing was killing your parents is gone." He said.

"But that's a maybe Dean you never know." I said.

"Annie we're going to be fine ok I promise."

"I'm just scared Dean."

"Well there no need to be scared because you have two big brothers here to keep you safe." He said.

"Yeah I know." I said with a smile.

We final got to Kansas and found a motel.

"Ok let's starting reaching." Sam said

We've been reaching for hours but only got a little bit of evidence.

"ok all we know is that it's going after young teenagers that are girls and that's about it." Sam said.

"We don't know where though right." I said.

"Well they've been taken when there were out like one girl got taken when she was walking home from school." Sam said.

"Well that's a start I guess." I said.

"Yeah but I think it's time for some food." Dean said as he was stretching out his arms.

"Yeah you guys go do that I'm going to stay here." I said.

"You sure Annie it's ok if.."

"No Sammy I'm good really."

"Ok well we'll be back in a couple minutes." Sam said.

They left and I went to go sit on the bed to watch tv but then I heard a low growl from outside.

I stop for a second then went back to watching tv. Then a couple seconds later I heard scratching on the doors. Then I got up to look out the window to see nothing. I started to turn back but then someone pop up in the window.

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