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I woke up by someone shaking me.

"Rise and sunshine Annie, today your going to learn how to be a hunter." Dean said.

I got up put my clothes on and went out to the impala.

"where are we going to go this so called training." I said.

"Just to a empty field." Dean said.

We drove to a empty field that had dead grass and some abandon cars.

"Ok first thing first is running." Dean said.

"Ughhh I hate running." I said.

"Well your going to be running casing the supernatural trust me." Dean said.

I started running. Then Dean started casing me.

"Dean what the hell."

Before I could say anything else he tackle me.

"You have to be ready at any moment." He said.

"Ok now try and flip me over." He said.

I tried and tried but he was to heavy.

"Dean I can't do this."

"Ok then think of another way to get me off of you." He said.

I started thinking well since he's a guy I can do this and right as I thought that I kicked him where the sun don't shine.

"Dean I'm so sorry I didn't...."

"No your good your training," He said with pain in his voice.

"Ok next." Dean said.

"Ughhh there's a next."


"Ok here." He said as he pulled out a gun.

"Wow I don't think I'm ready Dean."

"Oh come on your ready,trust me."

I gave him a look.

"Ok watch." He said.

He put the gun in his hands did something and then pulled the trigger and shot a rusty old car.

"Here, give it a shot." He said.

He put the gun into my shaky hands.

"Ok now shoot the car." Dean said.

I rised the gun up and pointed it up to the car. My hands were all sweaty. I took a deep breath and shot at the car. I hit the car.

"Nice good you got it on the first try." He said.

I looked up and smiled at him.

"I think that's enough for today don't you think?" He said


We got into the car and went to the motel.

We walked in and saw Sam on the computer.

"What are you doing." I asked

"Well I found a job." He said.

"Where?" Dean said.


"Ok let's pack up and go to Washington." Dean said.

We got packed up and left.

"Do you know what we're hunting?" I asked.

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