Chapter Fourty Eight

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After much fussing on Edd's part, the doctor released him with a warning to keep warm and to return if anything felt off. He agreed hurriedly, signing the paperwork the nurse pushed his way, and hopped off the bed to find his friends in the waiting room.

"Sheesh, Double D, take a million years why don't ya." Eddy pushed off from the wall, hands in his pockets. The familiar impatience in his voice brought a smile to Edd's face, and his short friend couldn't help but return it. "So you're good? Not gonna die of hypothermia or some shit?"

"Yes, Eddy. I'm fine. Which I tried to tell both you and the paramedics back at the moun-"

"Yeah, yeah. Put a sock in it," Eddy interrupted, tugging lightly at the end of Edd's hat as he passed. "We going for food or what?"

"As tempted as that sounds, I think I would like to wait for Kevin. If that's alright."

"Whatever, you're a big boy. Make your own decisions." Eddy grumbled to himself, pulling Ed along behind him as he left.

The big Ed was panting like a dog for reasons unknown to all but himself. He followed Eddy on all fours. At the door, he stood up to his full height to shout, "We'll bring you something, Double D!" before Eddy could drag him out of sight.

Edd covered a chuckle with his hand, shaking his head. His friends were very dear, very dear indeed. With a warm contentment in his heart, he spun around to locate a nurse and inquire as to Kevin's location. She directed him to the back of the emergency room with a curious look, waving him off when he thanked her. Careful to stay out of the way, he walked the halls back to the room number she'd given him and turned into the room without knocking. He regretted it instantly as he came face to face with Kevin's parents. He stumbled back to avoid a collision and wrung his hands nervously.

"Hello," he offered.

Mr. Barr looked him over and grunted, folding his arms across his chest. "So you're good to go?"

"Ah...yes. My immune system is quite" Edd trailed off, feeling very much out of place.

"...Good." Mr. Barr clapped a hand on his shoulder and pushed him to the side, but not unkindly. "I have work. You can give Kevin a ride home, right?"

"O-Oh, of course!" Edd nodded frantically. "Eddy should return in a short while and I'm sure he'd be delighted." A little white lie never hurt anyone.


With a curt nod, Mr. Barr was gone down the hall, rubbing at the back of his neck in a very familiar nervous gesture. Edd smiled to himself and turned when he felt a delicate hand on his shoulder. Mrs. Barr smiled back at him.

"Thank you, Eddward. You saved him, and we appreciate it more than we could ever say." She paused, looking down the hall toward her husband thoughtfully. "I...can't say that we approve. It's going to take some adjustment on our part. But if Kevin is happy, then so am I. You're a good kid."

"Thank you, ma'am." Edd adjusted his hat on his head for something to do, face reddening with nerves. "I will do my best to improve him. for him very deeply."

"Mmm." She offered a half-smile. "Well, I won't keep you. I'm sure he's dying to see you. Take care." She turned to walk away but stopped a few steps later. "Um, would you like to join us for dinner sometime? Next Sunday, maybe?"

Edd smiled, and it came easily this time. "I would love to, thank you."

She nodded and kept walking, but Edd didn't stay to watch. He rushed through the door to Kevin's side, burying himself in the hug that the redhead offered. They sat together like this for several minutes, not speaking, merely feeling the other breathe. It was the first opportunity since they'd left the mountain that they'd had to really allow themselves to feel okay, like things were finally alright. Edd almost wanted to cry, but before he could get the chance to, Kevin slid his fingers under the dork's chin, lifting him up for a tender kiss.

"How are you feeling?" the redhead asked when they parted, a hand on the back of Edd's neck ensuring that he didn't stray far.

"Fine, fine." Edd waved him off, turning the attention back to Kevin. "How are you feeling? I see you've been fitted with a cast. When are they going to release you?"

"I'm just peachy." Kevin grinned widely, and even though the action accentuated the bags under his eyes, Edd believed him. "The nurse is doing the paperwork right now, apparently. Should just be a few more minutes."

"Excellent. Eddy has gone to get food with Ed, but when they return they're our ride home." Edd hesitated, careful eyes searching Kevin's face. "I hope that's alright. I did volunteer them without consulting with you, but your mother seemed to be in a hurry."

"You talked to my mom?"

"Yes. She was...pleasant. She invited me for dinner next Sunday."

Kevin groaned. "Of course she did. Probably thinks you're too skinny. Don't be surprised if she keeps putting food on your plate, and don't be afraid to say when it's enough."

"That's your only concern here?" Edd smoothed a wrinkle from Kevin's shirt, a pointless exercise considering the general state of both of their outfits, but it gave his hands something to do.

"Yeah, actually." Kevin wrapped his arms around Edd and held him close. "You were away for a couple of hours, you know. Plenty of time for me to have a long conversation with my parents about how important you are to me."

"I see," was Edd's only response. The entire thing was still a bit strange and worrying to him, but he would trust the redhead to the ends of the earth and back. They moved on to discussion of other topics, essentially making small talk, until the nurse returned a few minutes later. She gave Kevin the same talk the doctor had given Edd, shoved a handful of papers toward him to be signed, and then situated him in a wheelchair to be walked to the front of the emergency room.

"Wait, wait, wait. No. I don't need that. Just give me the crutches, I'll do it myself."

"It's standard procedure," the nurse and Edd said at the same time, both wearing the same motherly expression, and Kevin laughed so hard he wasn't left with the energy to resist when the nurse insisted.

She wheeled him out into the waiting room and Edd held his hand. When they turned the corner they found Eddy and Ed walking in through the sliding doors, and Edd huffed at Eddy's fake gag when the short teen caught sight of Edd and Kevin's linked hands. The nurse handed Kevin his crutches, waited for him to stand and situate himself, and then left with a cheerful goodbye. Eddy threw an arm around Edd's shoulders just to rub it in, and Kevin fumed silently over the fact that his broken leg prevented him from doing anything about it.

"Ready to go?" Eddy asked, ushering Edd through the door without waiting for a response. "Ed! Bring Shovelchin to the car!"

"Okie dokie, artichokie!" Ed shouted. He turned to scoop Kevin up and found a warning finger pointed in his direction.

"Try it and I'll break your leg," Kevin threatened.

Ed held his hands up defensively. "Okay, Kevin."

Cheeseburgers waited for them in the car, and they fell on them like starved wolves before Eddy started his car and pulled out of the parking lot. The drive home was loud, filled with the radio, Ed hanging out of the window like a dog, Eddy shouting at him to get his stupid head back inside, and Kevin and Edd laughing at their antics. It felt like home, like friendship, like everything was how it should be, and Edd couldn't help the broad smile that stretched across his face and remained there long after they'd arrived home and helped Kevin into Edd's house. They put a movie on, Ed found the popcorn in the kitchen, and the four settled in for hopefully a quiet afternoon. Within the hour, Edd was asleep, his head on Kevin's lap while the redhead played with his hair. Yes, everything was going to be just fine.

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