Chapter Twenty Three

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It'll be fine, he said. No one will even notice, he said. You can just blend into the crowd like you usually do, you cute little wallflower, he said. Edd hunched down even further into his seat. I should have trusted my instincts. I knew this would happen.

It was a bright, sunny day. The weather was perfect. A cool breeze cut through the stands. Birds chittered away, happily picking at crumbs and bits of food left behind by careless students. The baseball team seemed to be in high spirits, joking around and laughing while they warmed up and stretched. Students milled around chatting about the possibility of a second year at the state championships, eating snacks with little to no nutritional value, and shooting death glares at the skinny boy cowering in the far corner.

Edd knew this would happen. Never mind the fact that he had not actually been involved in last year's laxative prank. He was beginning to resent the fact that he was forever associated with Eddy's antics. He stared down at his hands clenched in his lap and tried to keep his face from turning red. He felt the stares, heard the whispers, and honestly it frightened him. He knew the basics of self-defense, but those techniques would only work on one assailant, maybe two, at a time, and from the looks of things he would have a lot more than one. The tension in his shoulders was beginning to hurt. This is not good for my health... A girl brushed his knee as she passed and he let out a muffled scream, jumping back. ...or my sanity. He pulled his hat down to hide his embarrassment as the students around him snickered. A hand fell on his shoulder and he prayed to whatever god might be listening that it would be over quickly.

"Dude, are you ok?"

Edd's breath flew out of him in a gasp. "Nazz! You cannot comprehend how glad I am to see you right now!"

"I think I can, actually. What are you doing here?" She took the seat next to him and put a comforting arm around his shoulder. "Half the student body wants to murder you for your prank last year-"

"That wasn't my prank!"

"Fine, Eddy's prank. And if the baseball team catches you here..."

"I know, but Kevin really wanted me to come. He seemed to think that no one would notice my presence."

"He's an idiot." She glanced at Edd and shrugged. "No offense."

"No, he is an idiot," Edd agreed. My idiot.

"And you came here by yourself? I mean, I know Eddy and Ed wouldn't dare show their faces here, but you really couldn't find anybody to come with you?"

Edd gave her a crooked smile. "I don't have anyone else," he said softly. His eyes moved from her pitying expression to the field. "Oh! The game is starting! I don't want to keep you from your friends, Nazz."

"Are you sure, Double D? I don't mind sitting here with you."

"I am sure. I appreciate your concern, but I'm certain I'll be fine." He reached over and gave her hand a squeeze. "Go enjoy yourself. Perhaps I'll see you after the game."

"For sure, dude." She gave him a quick side hug and stood. "See you later, Double D!"

Edd waved as she trotted down the stairs and out of sight. He set his elbow on his knee, leaning down to rest his chin on his hand. He watched Kevin for a while, slowly relaxing as the students forgot about him in favor of the game. It was a close one. Edd found himself more and more engrossed as the scores changed. By the time the final inning began, Peach Creek had pulled far enough ahead that Edd felt confident that taking a quick trip to the restroom wouldn't cause him to miss anything important. He trotted down the bleachers, keeping to the far edge to avoid being pushed or tripped. At the bottom he took a sharp turn to head back toward the school building. As he rounded the corner, he was suddenly hit hard in the stomach. He staggered, doubled over and gasping for breath.

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