Chapter Fourty Four

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By some stroke of luck, Kevin's parents were still out when Eddy pulled into the cul-de-sac. He couldn't imagine trying to explain the bruises after he got cleaned up a bit, let alone right now when his clothes were torn and Edd looked exactly the same. The short teen parked in Edd's driveway long enough for the two of them to get out and to demand that Edd call him later, and then he and Ed continued on to Eddy's house to play video games and try to forget the stupid events of the day. Edd waved until they disappeared into Eddy's room, and only then did Kevin tug the brunet inside. He pressed Edd against the closed door gently, letting the lengths of their bodies touch, and sank a soft kiss into his lips, careful of their sore noses.

"Are you okay?" he murmured against Edd's lips and sighed in relief when he felt the dork nod. "Want a shower?" Another nod. "Can I come, too?"


Kevin helped Edd into the shower, dumping both sets of clothing into the hamper before joining him. It spoke volumes to just how subdued Edd was feeling that he made no effort to wash himself. Instead, he clung to the redhead and let the water run over them both until it began to get cold, Kevin rubbing his hands up and down Edd's back the whole time. They shut the water off, dried themselves, and moved down the hall to get dressed in Edd's room in silence. Hand in hand, they walked downstairs to pop in a movie and eat a quiet meal of sandwiches and apple slices. Kevin tried his best to get Edd to finish, but the brunet gave up after a few bites of sandwich and a nibble or two of fruit. He curled up on the couch beside Kevin and stared blankly at the TV.

"Baby?" Kevin said softly. He didn't get a response. He frowned and took their plates to the kitchen. When he returned, he tucked his hands under Edd's head and lifted, encouraging him to sit up. "Baby, come here."

Edd snuggled up against Kevin, and the redhead pressed little kisses across his face, soothing not only the physical hurt, but the emotional and mental pain as well. He held Edd a little too tightly, but the brunet wasn't complaining, and together they drifted off, welcoming the healing balm of sleep.

When the doorbell rang and woke Edd up, the sky was dark, the movie long over, and Kevin's phone flashed with messages. Edd rubbed the back of his hand across his eyes and untangled himself from Kevin, leaving the sleeping athlete on the couch as he stumbled blearily to the door. He opened it without checking who it was, entirely expecting Eddy to be on the other side, so when he was met with the wiry red hair of Kevin's mother, he started.

"H-Hello, Mrs. Barr. May I help you?"

"Hi. Edd, right? Eddward?"

"Yes, ma'am." Edd, bit his lip nervously, gripping the door tightly.

"I'm so sorry to bother you, but we can't find Kevin. He won't answer his phone, Nazz hasn't seen him...I know you've only been tutoring him, but do you happen to know where he is?"

Edd considered lying, and the thought repulsed him.What kind of person would that make me, to lie to a worried mother? "Y-Yes. He'"

"Oh, thank god!" She clasped her hands together, shoulders falling in relief. "Honey!" she called over her shoulder. "Honey, I found him!"

Kevin's father hurried across the street and up the walk to Edd's door, brushing past the skinny teen inside. Mrs. Barr followed with an apologetic smile, and Edd directed them to the living room. A bud of anxiety was blossoming in his chest and it took everything he had not to wring his hands nervously.

"Kevin!" Mr. Barr boomed. The redhead started awake, falling off the couch and wincing as the impact jarred his sore body. "What the hell were you thinking, not answering your phone? Your mother's been worried sick!"

Kevin looked around in confusion and shock. "Mom? Dad? What are you doing here?"

Mrs. Barr started to speak, but her husband interrupted. "We could ask you the same question!"

"I..." He looked to Edd for a moment, hating the fear he saw in those eyes. "Uh, my bike wasn't starting. Edd gave me a ride from school."

"There isn't a car in the driveway."

"Yeah. I meant...Eddy. Gave us a ride home."

"Took you an awful long time to get here from school. What does he drive, a snail?"

Kevin rolled his eyes, picking himself up from the floor and standing uncomfortably. "No, we got here like right after school."

"Then why didn't you come home?"

Edd could feel the tension growing in the room. Kevin's fear was almost tangible, and his parents could feel it as well. Something was going on that they weren't being told about and they knew it. His heart sank as he realized that everything was falling to pieces, and all he could do was stand back and hope the fallout wasn't too bad.

"We were studying. He is my tutor. You guys know that."

"Studying. Right. What were you really doing?" Mr. Barr demanded of Edd, taking a step forward to loom over the small boy.

"Dad, he was just tutoring me!" Kevin insisted, moving to stand between his father and his boyfriend. "Seriously, let it go!"

"Kevin Barr, you are lying through your damn teeth. Today was the last day of school. I know he wasn't tutoring you and I demand that you tell me the truth.Now."

Edd touched a hand to Kevin's back automatically. Kevin's father frightened him, and he couldn't think of a way out of this one. The redhead looked over his shoulder at him, face hopeless and resigned, and Edd knew what was about to happen. He braced himself as best he could.

"I'm...look. I'm dating him. Alright? He's my boyfriend."

The silence that followed Kevin's confession was almost scarier than the booming voices that had filled it just a few seconds ago. Kevin and his dad stared each other down, but the son broke first, looking down and to the side, cheeks flaming. The quiet stretched on long enough that Edd was about to speak, introduce himself or something, just to break the silence, but Mr. Barr beat him to it.

"Get your bag. You're coming home," was all he said, voice low and quiet.

"Dad, I-"

"I said, get your bag!" the older man barked. "And say goodbye to Edd." He spat the name, disgust twisting his features. "If I have anything to say about it, and you better believe that I do, you won't be seeing him again for a long time."

"What? No! You can't do that!" Kevin shouted, reaching a hand back toward Edd.

Edd didn't take it, instead backing away from the commotion, hat pulled down over his ears. He shook his head over and over-this is not happening!-looking to Mrs. Barr for perhaps a bit of sympathy. He found none. She wouldn't meet his eyes.

Mr. Barr turned to leave, shooting his parting words over his shoulder. "I can and I am. Now get your ass in gear and come home!"

Kevin stood in stunned silence, tears pricking at his eyes. After all of that at school, after everything they'd been through, it was over? Just like that?


She shook her head, backing toward the door. "You heard your father..." For a brief second, the two teens held a bit of hope that she would be on their side. Mr. Barr was frightening, for certain, but she didn't look disgusted or angry. Her next words crushed those hopes. "This isn't how we raised you, son."

She turned on her heel and followed her husband out. There was only a beat before Mr. Barr was shouting at Kevin to get outside. The redhead complied, grabbing his things and throwing his bag over his shoulder. He caught Edd's wrist and jerked him forward into a quick kiss.

"I'll talk to them," he promised. "I'll figure it out. I swear to god, Edd. I will not let them stand between us."

And with that, he was gone, and Edd was left to crumple to his knees and sob into the silence that was left in his house, the house that he once again was utterly and entirely alone in.

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