Chapter Twenty One

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"A train museum?"

Kevin stood under the main entrance, arms spread wide with a comical grin on his face, a grin that faltered under the weight of Edd's incredulity.

"What's wrong with a train museum? I thought you were all about that museum shit." He frowned and let his arms fall to his sides.

Edd was quick to correct his mistake. "Of course I am pleased with the venue! It is a splendid choice. I was not under the impression that you would enjoy such a thing, however."

Kevin shrugged, shoving his hands deep into his pockets. "I don't, generally speaking. But, you know. It's a train! That's cool!"

His grin was back, and the sight of it threw a twist into Edd's stomach. The dark-haired boy stepped forward and extended his hand, offering. Kevin gladly took it, sliding their fingers together. They walked inside and paid for the tickets, Edd positively brimming with excitement at the authentic train-station interior. Kevin barely had time to collect his change before Edd dragged him over to the first display case. He chattered away about the history of the town and cooed over the model trains. Kevin took a seat, content to watch the dork go at it. Dashing back and forth between the displays and the informational board, Edd drew the attention of the few other visitors. A little girl thought he was the funniest thing she had ever seen and began to chase him back and forth, mimicking him as he followed a line of text with his finger or splayed his hands out against the glass.

"Fascinating," he breathed.

"Fastinating!" the girl copied.

Startled, Edd glanced down, noticing his follower for the first time. "Oh, hello," he said.

"Hello! I'm Janey and you're funny. Can I wear your hat?" She grinned up at him, showing a few gaps where she was missing teeth.

"Hello, Janey. My name is Edd. I'm sorry, but it really is quite unsanitary to wear another person's headwear." Edd brought a protective hand up to his hat.

"But...but..." Janey's eyes spilled over, large tears rolling down her cheeks.

Kevin watched as Edd's resolve crumbled, stifling a laugh with the back of his hand. Edd stared down helplessly, his hands hovering above her shoulders.

"But...the exchange of germs and parasites...head lice...I can't...don't cry..." Edd fumbled over his words, sounding like he might cry himself.

Kevin shook his head and stood. Edd looked up at him, eyes pleading for help. He held up a finger and ducked into the gift shop. He grabbed a small conductor's hat and slid a ten dollar bill across the counter, telling the bored employee to keep the change. He stepped back out and tossed the hat to Edd. He fumbled to catch it, staring at it for a few seconds before understanding dawned on his face. He crouched down to Janey's level and pulled out his handkerchief to wipe at her tears.

"I really can't share my hat with you, but perhaps you would be content with this one?" He held out the hat. "It's just like the one a conductor would wear. Quite fitting for a train enthusiast such as yourself."

She gasped, her tears ceasing as quickly as they had started. She nodded hard, jumping up and down with excitement as he carefully fitted the hat over her hair. She ran over to the glass display case to see how it looked. She screamed with joy, startling everyone in the room and drawing the attention of one man in particular. He strode over and scooped her up.

"Janey! What have I told you about the screaming?" he scolded.

"To not to," she said sheepishly. "But Daddy! Look at my hat! It's perfect!"

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