Chapter Thirty

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Five hours into the drive and stomachs were growling. Nazz and Rolf spent a good ten minutes arguing over fast food restaurants before Eddy yelled in frustration and picked for them. They parked in the crowded lot, deciding not to brave the drive-thru during the lunch rush. Kevin got out and stretched. Edd waited patiently for Ed and Eddy to clamber out from the back before climbing out, but Kevin's arm shot across the doorway to block him. Edd watched, less than amused, as Kevin pulled some cash from his wallet and handed it to Eddy.

"Get a couple of burgers for us or something, would you?" he asked as he turned back into the van, nudging a protesting Edd backward.

"Eddy!" Edd pleaded.

"Don't worry, Sockhead. I'll get you a salad. Play nice, Kevin, or I'll kick your ass." Eddy waved as he walked away with Ed.

"Yeah, yeah..." Kevin slid the door shut and rounded on Edd. "Now." He crawled forward, dragging Edd under him on the seat and pressing down into him. His tongue traced a path up Edd's neck and he nibbled on Edd's earlobe. "I think I owe you an apology."

Eddy sniggered in the backseat and Edd spun around to glare at him. "Eddy! For the last time, what are you laughing about?" Edd hissed.

Kevin's eyes widened at Edd's tone and he edged away. "Shit, you better tell him, dude."

"Hell no!" Eddy replied. "I'm not whipped like you are, Shovelchin. He can use his mom voice all he wants, I'm not scared of him."

Edd narrowed his eyes and shot a dirty look in Kevin's direction. The redhead scrambled back into the door and raised his hands defensively. Nazz leaned around to smack them both with a rolled up magazine.

"Boys! Behave! I know it's been a long trip, but we're almost there so please stop acting like children!"

"I am not acting like a child!"

"Nazz, I didn't even do anything!"

"Ha, she sure told you two!"

"Eddy! Don't make me come back there!"


Rolf nearly drove off the road when Ed roared back to life from his nap. He jerked the wheel to the left, earning screams from his passenger and an angry finger from another driver. He returned the gesture as he righted the van. Nazz whirled around to glare at Ed, but his attention was focused entirely on twisting Edd's head around to see the mark in better light. Eddy collapsed on himself cackling, and as realization dawned on Kevin's face, he began laughing as well. Ed turned Edd's neck to and from, prodding at the darkened tissue.

"You have a vampire bite! Right here...and here's another one...there's another one! Double D!" Ed squished Edd's face between his hands. "Were you attacked by a mouth?!"

Edd blushed furiously, jerking away from Ed and pulling his collar up around his neck. Eddy wheezed and pounded his fist on the back of the seat.

Between waves of laughter, Kevin managed to squeak out, "Rolf! Oh, god, pull over! I'm gonna pee myself!"

Ed and Rolf tripped over each other racing for the water's edge. Nazz followed, dragging Eddy behind her. Kevin adjusted the giant umbrella so Edd's towel was shaded. He stretched out in the sun next to his pale boyfriend. Once certain that his friends were going to be distracted enough to not tease him for his hickeys, Edd pulled his beanie off and unbuttoned the front of his shirt. He leaned back on his hands and closed his eyes. The breeze floated up from the ocean, ruffling through his hair and ghosting across his skin. He watched Nazz and Ed team up to get Eddy in the water. Rolf floated nearby, totally oblivious to the chaos around him until Eddy tripped and fell unceremoniously onto the son-of-a-shepherd. With a shout, they both went under and tumbled as a wave broke on top of them. Eddy came up spluttering. Rolf lunged at Ed, chasing him around the shallows. Edd smiled to himself. Something warm and soft brushed against his hand. He looked down to find Kevin staring very seriously up at him and running the back of his hand against Edd's.

"Can I help you, Kevin?"

Wordlessly, Kevin pushed up to his knees and straddled Edd, ignoring his protests of sand on his towel. He mashed their lips together, the sudden urgency sending a flash of hot desire through Edd's body. His hands went to Edd's bare chest, exploring subtle lines and curves. Edd leaned up into the kiss, brushing his fingers through fiery hair. Kevin pressed him back onto the towel and slid his knee between Edd's legs. Edd grasped at broad shoulders, warm from the sun, and wrapped a leg around Kevin's waist.

"Get a room!" Eddy shouted.

Edd froze, mortified. I had completely forgotten where we are! Oh, how embarrassing! His thoughts were interrupted as he was abruptly picked up and thrown over Kevin's shoulder. Kevin carried him up the beach toward the spacious house, flipping Eddy off as he went. Once inside, Kevin wasted no time in locating the bedroom and tossing Edd down on the bed. He shut the door behind him with his foot and stalked forward.

"Now, where were we?"

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