Chapter Fourty One

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The stress of finals was behind them. They wouldn't have their grades for another couple of weeks, but nobody seemed to care. It was over. The seniors were desperate to graduate, and everyone was ready for summer break. It was with this excited attitude that the baseball team warmed up for their third shot at the state championships in a row. The students seemed to be even more energetic and pumped than usual to Edd, but that may have been his imagination or the fact that this year he was squished onto a bench front and center with Nazz and a large group of their mutual friends. To say he was uncomfortable would be an understatement; snacks and drinks were spilled as they were passed, the noise was unbearable, and being around so many other people was quickly making the heat just as unbearable. He wiped the back of a hand across his brow and squinted out at the field. Kevin was horsing around with a few friends as they stretched. Edd winced. They would have to have a talk later about the dangers of improper stretching. On the other end of the field, the opposing team looked rather nervous. Edd felt a twinge of pride in his school's team-they were certainly a force to be reckoned with-but more specifically in one player in particular.

Out of all the players on the Peach Creek High team, Kevin seemed to be the most enthusiastic today. He'd aced his finals, he was sure of it. He and Edd had spent nearly every afternoon together for the rest of the week, and every time he looked over to see his boyfriend and his best friend sitting together in the stands he wanted to scream and jump around and throw his fist in the air. His teammates took this as excitement for the game and joined in.

"Who's ready to kick some ass?!" Matt shouted.

The team cheered in response. They practically skipped to their positions on the field. Kevin was pitching first, and the ball came in fast and hard every time. Within a matter of minutes the other team took their three outs. Kevin straightened up, grinning, and threw a wave toward the stands. He received a loud cheer in response, but Nazz and Edd exchanged a knowing look. They knew who it was for.

The rest of the game passed in a predictably similar manner. The poor Riverside Ravens hardly stood a chance. It was almost painful to watch. Kevin and his teammates flew around the bases, passed the ball as if they were thinking with a single mind, and pulled so far ahead that it was almost embarrassing to let the game go on beyond the fifth inning. At the end of the game, as usual, the stands emptied as screaming students flooded the field. Nearly half an hour passed before anybody left for home, and it took another half hour after that for the players to start making their way to the locker room.

Nazz took Edd's arm to keep him from escaping and dragged him along with the group, a bunch of them crowding the door to the locker room to wait for Kevin, Matt, and the others. The seeds of a headache from earlier had grown into something throbbing and he just wanted to go home. The perky blonde was having none of it, and apparently neither was anyone else.

"Double D, you're coming to the after-party, right?" Nazz asked loudly. A hush fell over the group as they waited for his answer.

He shot a dirty look in her direction. When it didn't faze her, he sighed in defeat. "I suppose."

Once that was out of the way, conversation resumed as normal, and when the boys came out of the locker room everyone cheered. They walked in one large mass to the parking lot. Rides were sorted out, and in the confusion Kevin snatched Edd up and shoved a helmet into his hands.

"Come on, dork," he said quietly. "If we leave right now, we can take a quick detour." He wiggled his eyebrows comically and added, "If you know what I mean."

Edd giggled and shoved him away, fitting the helmet over his hat and sliding comfortably into his spot behind the redhead. He wrapped his arms loosely around Kevin's waist and resisted the urge to rub his face on Kevin's back until they were out of the parking lot. Kevin drove more quickly than usual to increase their amount of alone time. Edd clung to him nervously, reciting the periodic table in his head to keep motorcycle fatality statistics out of his thoughts, and let out an audible sigh when they pulled into Kevin's driveway.

"I'll meet you at your house in five," Kevin murmured, pressing a kiss to his temple.

He disappeared inside to change and Edd scampered across the street to do the same, grateful for a chance to exchange his sweaty school clothes for something clean, dry, and more comfortable. Kevin arrived a few minutes later and pushed Edd up against the door, pressing their lips together hungrily. When Edd tried to bite down on his lower lip, Kevin pulled back with a teasing "ah-ah!" and buried his face in the dork's neck. He nipped and sucked at the skin, moving constantly to avoid leaving marks. When Edd let out a strangled whine, he stopped, pulling the other's face forward for one last, searing kiss. This time Edd got his lip bite in, grinning impishly as the redhead pulled away.

"Come on, baby...we...we should get going."

"Whatever you say, darling." Edd flashed an innocent smile, and it was all over.

"What?" Matt shouted to be heard over the music, one hand pressing his phone to his head and the other blocking the sound from the other ear. "You have to speak up, Kev. Why are you panting? ...You're a varsity athlete, you really expect me to believe that you're winded from running up the stairs? ...No, I'm not calling you a liar. Ugh, just forget it. Your dad got in an accident? ...Yeah, yeah. Fine. Want me to send Nazz to pick Double D up? ...What? What do you mean? He went home to study? God, he's such a fucking dork. Alright, whatever man. See you."

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