Chapter Fourty Seven

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The fourth time Edd tripped over a tree root was when he realized he'd made a grave error in running off. It was dark, so dark he could hardly see his hand in front of his face. How was he going to find Kevin when he couldn't even see where he was going? Suppose he ran right off the edge of a cliff! Suppose Kevin already had! The thought stopped him in his tracks and he spun, straining to see through the darkness.

"Kevin!" he screamed, cupping his hands around his mouth. A sudden flash of lightning lit up the trees, and he jumped and wrapped his arms around his middle, voice cracking as he shouted, "Where are you?!"

No one answered.

Edd stumbled on even after it began to rain. He thought on more than one occasion that he should turn back, find Eddy and the others, and let the police force do their job, but he wouldn't be able to find the clearing again if he tried. Another branch of lightning struck, this time much closer, and the resulting thunder shook the ground. It frightened him. He sobbed, fumbling in his back pocket for his phone-no, he left his phone on Eddy's backseat. Arms wrapped tightly around himself to ward off the icy chill of the rain, he carried on, occasionally calling out for Kevin, Eddy,anybody.

Suddenly, a very loud "fuck!" sounded from his left. He froze, one foot paused mid-stride, hanging in the air.

"Kevin?" he tried, voice hoarse. After clearing his throat, he tried again. "Kevin!"

There was a long pause, long enough that he nearly moved on, and then, "Edd?"

Gasping in relief, Edd ran toward the voice, that unmistakable voice. "I'm coming, Kevin! I'm coming!"

"Edd, stop!" Kevin sounded pained, and if it weren't for that, Edd wouldn't have listened. He came to an immediate halt, desperately trying to control his breathing so he could hear. "There's a ledge! I don't know how close you are to it, but I fell!"

"Are you alright?" Edd shouted back, slowly beginning to inch his way forward, feeling ahead of his with his toe before taking small, measured steps. A shaky laugh made its way to Edd ears, though he could hardly hear it. "Kevin?"

"I, leg's broken. But I'm fine! Really! Nothing I can't handle."

The redhead's voice grew closer with every step Edd took. It required all of his patience and self-discipline to keep from running to his boyfriend, especially knowing he was injured, but when his searching toes found nothing but air, he was glad he'd taken it slowly. He dropped to his knees at the edge of the ledge and peered over, shielding his eyes from the rain with a hand. There, to his right, he spotted Kevin sitting with his back against the face of the drop. His left leg was twisted at a funny angle, but Edd couldn't see any protruding bone. He sighed in relief.

"Stay there, darling! I'll be right down! Try not to move!"

Kevin raised a hand in acknowledgment, and Edd began his careful descent. He slid the last several feet, picking himself up and running to drop next to Kevin. He pecked his lips to the other's and began an immediate inspection of the break, as best as he could tell by the almost non-existent light and feel. Kevin hissed when Edd's fingers probed over the tell-tale bump and Edd hummed an apology.

"It's a clean break. I think. It won't do either of us any good to stay out here in the rain, so I'm going to help you. Alright?"

Kevin's hand shot out to grab Edd's wrist. "Listen, I need to tell you something first."

"It really can't wait?"

"No, because when we get down there, everyone's gonna be there. Our friends, my, I have to tell you now."

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