Chapter Twenty-Three

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Around five thirty they decided to call it a day. Rachael was exhausted and in pain. “I was thinking a short practice Friday, maybe noon to four, so we don’t over do anything or are in to much pain for Saturday night. Do you want to practice at all Saturday?” Tim asked.

Rachael thought about it for a minute, “I like the idea for Friday, but I don’t think I want to Saturday, I think I’ll overdo it that night.”

Tim shook his head and went to gather his things."Okay that sounds' good, I'll see you tomorrow." 

When he left Rachael picked up her phone and called Cody, not bothering to read his last text. When he picked up it was really loud, 

“hello, hold on  he shouted. She waited a minute,  “okay, hi, what’s up? she could hear concern in his voice. 

“I  just finished dance practice and I really just wanted to hear your voice.” Rachael said quietly.

 There was a loud bang, “awe, it’s nice to hear yours.”

“what was that? Or where are you?  she asked.

“we are at the venue, doors open soon. That was Maxx hitting the drums on stage.

“oh, I guess that makes sense with what time it is. I’m going to go so I can drive home, I just wanted to hear your voice.  she heard him laugh.

“okay, I’m glad you called, I was missing yours. Be safe driving.” 

They hung up and Rachael walked out, locking up the studio. She drove home thinking about if she could really handle this. By the time she got home she was in tears. She tried to stop crying before she walked in the house but it didn’t work.

Sam was walking out of the living room and saw her. “Rachael, are you okay” she ran to her.

Rachael fell into Sam’s arms sobbing. They stood there for a few minutes, Sam was giving her time to collect herself. When she could talk again she wiped her eyes.

“I called Cody before I left, and well one I missed his voice and two, I started to wonder if I can handle this, his fame.”

Sam wiped the few tears still steaming out of her eyes, “You can do this. I know you can. You are a lot stronger then you give yourself credit. It’s all going to work out, I promise.”

They had moved to the couch and Rachael laid back, “yeah, you’re right. Thank you.”

Sam hugged her, “you’re welcome, don’t forget, it’s okay to cry once in a while. But I have to get ready for work now.” She got up and went to her room. Rachael sat there for a minute, deciding what she wanted to do next, and she decided on a hot soothing bath. 

She walked slowly up the stairs to her bedroom. She put her bag on her bed but took her phone with her. She walked into her bathroom and started the water in her tub, then added some bubbles. She put on some music from her phone and put it where she knew it would be safe but close by. She undressed and stepped into the tub, sitting down slowly, the hot water soothing her body instantly. She sighed and laid her head back, closing her eyes. Her mind was filled with Cody, and it made her a little nervous. She was going to need to clear her mind before Saturday night or she might end up messing all the dances up.

Thirty minutes later her mom got home from work, she knocked on the bathroom door, “yes?” Rachael asked.

“I wanted to know what you wanted for dinner.” her mom said.

“I’m not sure actually, whatever you want.” she answered.

“Okay, are you alright?”

Rachael sighed, “yes, was in pain so I took a hot bath.

“Oh alright, I’ll see you in a but then.” her mom went to change and start dinner.

Rachael sat in the bath for a few more minutes, the water getting colder now. She got up and wrapped herself in a towel. She drained the water and grabbed her phone.

She stood in her closet wondering what she should put on, and ended up with a t-shirt and sweats. When she walked downstairs she could smell BBQ chicken and cheesey potatoes baking. She walked into the kitchen and sat down at the island.

“How was you’re day?” she asked her mom.

“It was good, a lot of reports.” her mom worked at UPS.

“That’s good. Tim and I tried a new dance, I was having a hard time with it.” her mom poured a glass of wine and tiled the bottle towards Rachael, “want some?”

Rachael shook her head, she could go for some wine right now. “So, I noticed you and Cody, and Sam and Austin. What’s going on?” her mom was smiling.

“well, we like each other..” Rachael smiled “and well, I guess that’s it really. We sat down and actually talked, obviously not the four of us together, but you get what I mean. and well, Cody and I really connected.” she took a sip of her wine.

“I’m glad,” her mom was checking the food, “you deserve him. And dinners done.”

Rachael laughed a little, “it smells delicious.” Both of them got a plate and took it and their wine to the table. They ate in silence, not really needing to talk.

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