Chapter Five

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Rachael’s alarm went off, ripping her out of her deep, sleep. Normally she dreamt all night, not getting much sleep. She thought to her self “maybe I should think of Cody all the time before I sleep”  and smiled as she turned off her alarm. It was seven thirty, she always gave herself enough time to shower and eat before she would meet Tim at the studio for practice. She read the few texts she got through the night, one being from Andrew, which she deleted without reading, the others alerts from Cody’s twitter, which she wished were real texts from him. Rachael went downstairs to get some breakfast.

Her mom was in the kitchen already, eating a bowl of cereal and reading the paper. Her mom looked up at Rachael as she walked into the kitchen, “good morning, how did you sleep?” her mom smiled at her.

“Morning, pretty good actually” Rachael smiled back as she poured her own bowl of cereal. “Tim wants to practice two new dances, so I’ll probably be home later,” Rachael said to her mom as she sat down.

“Oh okay, are you guys thinking of changing one for the competition?” her mom looked confused, knowing it was next weekend. 

“No, it would be to late to do that now, I think he just wants to get ready for the next season of dancing, and since we have these four down, we don’t want to over do them,” Rachael said, watching her mom put her bowl in the dishwasher and refold the paper.

“Ah, well that’s a good idea,” her mom said then kissed her head.

“Have a good day at work” Rachael yelled to her mom as she walked out of the room.

After Rachael was done eating she went back up to her bedroom to get ready for her shower. She loved the way her room was set up, you had to walk through the closet to get to the bathroom. She walked into the bathroom and started the water in the shower, waiting a minute for it to warm up. As she stepped in she sighed when the hot water hit her back. She stood there for a minute just taking it in.

When she was done with her shower, she dried off and wrapped her hair up in the towel. She walked into her closet and got dressed in what she wanted to wear to dance practice that day, then went back to the bathroom to dry her hair and put it up. When she was walking back into her room, her phone started ringing so she went around her bed and got it.

“Hello?” she said.

“Hey, I’m running a little late, my babysitter is running late too, and Jenny’s already at work,” Tim said back.

“Oh okay, that’s fine, tell Anthony I said hi,” she laughed.

“Will do, I’ll be there as soon as possible.” He hung up. Sometimes Rachael would babysit his little boy, he was very adorable and loved her.

Rachael just decided to go to the studio and work on her parts of the songs they’d be dancing to. When she got into her car she put in her Set it Off CD and pulled out of the driveway. She focused on Cody’s voice as she waited in traffic. When she got to the studio she went in and put her bag down then checked the CD player to make sure the right one was it in. the first three songs were just ones to warm up to. She hit play and started to stretch.

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