Chapter Eighteen

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Andrew was standing in the door way, and he knocked lightly on the frame. “Hey, can I come in” he asked slowly stepping in the room.

Rachael laughed, “of course, what’s up?” Cody was standing behind her, with his arms wrapped around her waist, keeping her close to him. 

“I just want you to know, we are leaving around eight. We could probably leave later if we want, but I already called the girl at the house in Maryland we will be staying at and let her know..” he looked around the room.

Cody squeezed Rachael a little tighter, “Okay, what time is it now?” he looked at Andrew, who looked at his phone, “five forty five.”

When Andrew walked out of the room, Rachael turned around in Cody’s arms to face him. She put her hands on the side of his face and stood on her tippy toes to put her forehead on his. She kissed his nose. Cody pulled her to his body, no space in between them. He kissed hers.

“I don’t want to leave..” he breathed against her face.

She smiled. “I don’t want you to either.. But you know, I have a friend in Maryland, and I do miss her..” she trailed off.

He looked at her, “come with us?”

She laughed, “I wish.. I have a busy week, with the competition next weekend.”

He frowned for a minute, but understood. He knew what it was like to want to do something but couldn’t drop everything that was already planned. 

Around six thirty everyone was sitting in the living room, chatting or playing games. Rachael’s mom walked in, “is anyone hungry? Or want dinner before you leave?”

Everyone was thinking about it, wondering if they should eat before they left. “I could eat,” Maxx said.

Everyone else agreed they should. "Okay, well what do you want to do? We can make whatever you guys want" Her mom said.

There was a conference between everyone, “We have all agreed on….. Spaghetti” Maxx said, dramatically. Laura laughed as she walked away, mostly because they picked something so simple. 

When the spaghetti was ready all the boys ran to the kitchen.Sam started laughing, “well I guess they were hungry.”

Cassie and Kat got up to go get some. Rachael was just sitting there, and Sam could tell she was upset, “it’s going to be okay.. We will get through it together,”

Rachael knew there was more to her smile. She shook her head and they got up and walked to the kitchen. They boys were messing around and pushing each other out of the way. Rachael was happy to see Cody laughing and joking around, because she knew, within a few hours, he’d be sad again.

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