Chapter Twenty-Two

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When Rachael’s alarm went off she jumped out of bed. She sighed when she noticed it was just her alarm. She slept restlessly, without Cody next to her. She went to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked like a mess. She took her hair down to fix it, then she splashed water on her face. After, she went to her closet and got into her outfit to wear to dance practice. She walked over to her bed and picked up her phone, she had text from Cody, “we arrived at the place we are staying. I can’t sleep, all I can think about is being with you. I hope you are dreaming of me.”

She smiled at her phone, feeling happiness fill her heart. She typed back, “I’m glad you guys arrived safe. I hope you have fallen asleep, because you need it. I wish we were together, I didn’t sleep well because you weren’t next to me.” and hit send. She threw her phone in her bag and walked down to the kitchen.

Her mom was standing in the kitchen with Sam, they were both eating a bowl of cereal. “wow, you look like a mess” Sam said when she looked up at her.

Rachael sat down next to her, “I know.. I didn’t sleep well at all.”

Her mom was putting away the cereal, “did you want some?

Rachael shook her head no, “I think I’ll just have an apple or something.”

Sams phone dinged and she smiled, “who is that at 7:30 am?” Rachael asked.

She leaned over and saw it was Austin. Then her phone dinged, and she figured it would be Cody. He said “I slept a little, then Austin and I started talking. I’m sorry you didn’t sleep well.” she typed back, “oh, about him and Sam?” She got up and grabbed an apple.  

“Okay I’m headed out.” She hugged both Sam and her mom goodbye and walked out to her car.

Traffic was pretty light for a Monday morning. When she got to the studio Tim was already there. “Are you early or am I late?” she asked when she walked in, scaring Tim.

“Oh, you scared me, but I am just early.” Rachael pulled out her phone to look at the new text Cody sent, “yeah, he’s happy they met and are talking, he likes her.” she smiled, “awe, well that’s good. I’m at dance practice, so I’ll answer again when we stop for lunch.” she put her phone back in her bag and walked to the center of the room and started stretching. Tim came over and joined her. 

They practiced the four dances for the competition. “How do you feel about them, think you got them?” Tim asked her while they got water.

She swallowed her water, “yeah, I feel pretty good about them.”

Tim went to the stereo and changed Cds, “how about those two new ones we did last Thursday?”

Rachael put her water bottle down, “I think I remember most of them.”

She walked back over to Tim and as the song ’Dance, Dance’ started, so did their bodies. When the song ended Tim high fived her, “That was awesome! Okay now the other.

They stood waiting for the song to start and when it was over, he high fived her again. “I guess I remember them,” Rachael laughed. 

They decided it was time for lunch. “want me to run and get our usual and come back here?” Tim asked as Rachael went for her bag,

“Yeah, that’s fine. Do you want money?” she was pulling out her wallet.

Tim turned and walked out the door, and she took that as a no. She pulled out her phone and sat down on the ground against the wall. There was a text from Cody, “okay, I think I might try to sleep a little more, although the rest of the guys are starting to wake up. I’m glad there’s only a few more dates of the tour.”

She typed back, “okay, I hope you do, or did. When is the last date?”. a few moments later her phone dinged, “I didn’t, the girl here woke up also and I didn’t feel comfortable sleeping. And it ends Friday.” Rachael frowned, she didn’t like him feeling uncomfortable. “I’m sorry. Why do you feel that way? And oh okay.” another text, “she just keeps staying close to me. It really makes me miss you.” she smiled reading that, “awe, I really miss you too.”

Tim walked in with their food and went to sit by her. “well someone looks happy” he commented.

She blushed but told him about the weekend. “I’m really happy for you, you deserve it.” he said. 

Rachael texted Cody while she ate. When they were done, they practiced a little more.

This is Our Story... (Part One)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon