Chapter One

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“How was dance practice?” Rachael’s mom, Laura, asked her as she walked in the door.

“It was good. I think Tim and I finally have our final dance for the competition complete” she said falling onto the couch & rubbing her feet.

Her mom smiled “that’s good. I can’t wait to watch you guys win the gold.”

Rachael laughed, she never thought she was that good & everyone never understood how she couldn’t see she was. Even her dance partner Tim says sometimes he can’t keep up with her.

When Rachael was little she was always dancing around her house to her dads favorite band, The Doors. He used to compliment her all the time and give her flowers. When her dad passed while she was only seven, she knew she had to keep dancing, she knew it would keep the memory of her dad alive.

“Well, I’m going to go out & run some errands, would you like to come with me?” her mom asked, breaking Rachael out of her train of thought.

She smiled at her mom, “nah, I think I’m going to stay here & soak my feet for a while, they feel more sore than normal..”

Her mom smiled at her and kissed her forehead. “alright, I love you”

“Love you too mom, have fun & be safe” Rachael said and then headed to the hallway closet to get what she would need. After gathering everything she sat back down on the couch & put her feet in the hot water, sighing as it instantly soothed her aching feet.

Her phone went off & she pulled it out of her pocket to see a text that read “hey, you’ll never guess who I just talked to on facebook!” she laughed, knowing her sister, Kat,  talks to many people, having a lot of friends.
“Who?” she typed back & hit send. A second later, a new text from her sister,

“Austin, from Set It Off! They need a place to stay for a few days this weekend. I told him they could stay at your place, because it’s bigger.” 

Rachael couldn’t believe what she was reading. Set It Off was her favorite band. She adores the lead singer Cody Carson. The last time she saw him, she had told him this & he was so happy about it. She smiled as she remembered this and then typed back “Oh sweet! Okay, I’ll run it by mom when she get’s home. How many days exactly?”

Her phone dinged again & the message said “um, three. They will be there on Friday, around four o’clock pm & then they have their show Saturday night, but an off day Sunday so they will stay again Saturday night and leave later Sunday night”

Rachael couldn’t believe that her favorite band would be at her house for three days. She was a little nervous. “Okay, sounds good. Do you plan on being here all three days? Oh I should probably tell Sam also” she replied.

Sam was one of Rachael’s best friends who lived with them. She never got along with her mom so Rachael invited her to come live with her. She also loves Set It Off. Austin, who is the bass player, is actually her favorite. She worked a lot but had this weekend off for the show on Saturday.

“She’s going to be so excited! And yes I do plan on being there during the day but coming home at night”  Her sister replied.

“Yes she is & alright, that sounds good. Tell Chris I say hello”  Rachel sent that text message & then proceeded to take her feet out of the now room temperature water & dried them off.

As she was dumping the water out in to the sink & cleaning the little tub bucket, Sam came walking up the stairs, finally awake. “good morning sleepy head” Rachael said, laughing at Sam’s awesome bed head hair.

Sam laughed, “I think I need to get off nights & start working during the day. I only have three hours before I have to get ready for work tonight now..”

“Well I think I know something that will make you happy” Rachael smiled at Sam, and Sam gave her a confused look. “what?”

“Well Kat was just texting me, and she was telling me how she was talking to Austin on facebook and that they need somewhere to stay this weekend, so they will be here Friday around four, sleep here, then the shows Saturday, then they will be here that night & leave like later Sunday” Sam was stating at her like she was lying to her.

“Are you serious, Set It Off is going to be here for like, THREE days?!” Rachael smiled & shook her head yes.

Sam walked to the bathroom to take her shower with a big smile on her face. After Rachael was done washing out the tub she put everything back into the hall closet & then she went to her room. She turned on her stereo, and hit play on the CD that was in it. As the first song started she began to spin around the room to the soft melody. This was the song she and her partner were dancing to in the competition. It was called “A Thousand Years” by Christina Perry.

“Looks good so far..” Cassie, another one of her best friends, said from the doorway. Rachael jumped & then laughed.

“Oh my god, you scared me. But thank you” she smiled & hugged Cassie.

“You’re welcome, I’m excited to see the full dance at the competition” Cassie hugged her back.

“Thanks” Rachael smiled.

They both sat down on her bed & Rachael started to explain to Cassie about the Set It Off situation. Cassie was very excited about this. Dan, the lead guitarist is her favorite. She was really nervous around him and it was really cute.

“I’m so excited!” Cassie exclaimed as Sam walked into the room, done with her shower.

“Rey tell you about this weekend?” She asked Cassie. By the smile on Cassie’s face, Sam could tell it was a yes.

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