Chapter Twenty-Six

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"You sound like Keiran and you're not jinxed.I will tell you, what I told him. Nothing is going to hurt me, or the baby Elise." She put her hand over mine and squeezed. "We've been doing this long enough to know how to survive. Even so, everything happens for a reason so we will take it day by day, week by week and not stress over what we can't control."

I could tell that last bit was hard for her to say, her voice broke slightly and the fear in her eyes was something I knew all too well. "True. If anything comes even close to hurting you though, it's signed its own death warrant."

"I'll drink to that, oh wait!" She laughed and took a sip of her water. "This is good news, let's just focus on that. It's been so long since something good has happened to us."

We spent the rest of the time talking about Alfie and Annipe, Logan and my crazy family. I didn't mention our new godly residents at the Academy, or about my run in with the Fates. When she mentioned Keiran joining the training that Cain was doing now they finished up on their demon hunting job, I changed the subject. Maybe I should have told her more about what was going on, but for now I figured it wasn't worth the stress. She'd gone through two apocalyptic style battles, and it would be best if she missed the third. I'd tell Keiran later, and once he'd taken her as far away from here as possible, then he could tell her.

Once we were done, she headed back to their hotel on the other side of town and after walking her part of the way, I decided to take some time out from everything and do some shopping. I'd just arrived at one of the bigger department stores, when that prickly feeling on the back of my neck made me cautious and sure enough, I was positive I was being followed. It wasn't too long until I worked out the source and doubling around, I found Cain looking at over priced ties in the menswear section.

"When are you going to ever wear a tie?" I asked, picking up a red one as thoughts of strangling him came to mind.

"Funeral?" He asked casually.

"Well this is a fun chat."

"You found me." Cain stated, frowning slightly. "How?"

"How long have you even been following me?" I demanded instead. His lack of answer said enough. "Since I left right?"

"You can't just go off alone!" He snapped back and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, I can. Watch me do it now." Walking away, I heard him sigh and getting into the elevator, I wasn't surprised when he now stood on the next level waiting for me. I hit the button to close the door and made sure to press every stop on the way down. I got off on the third level and headed towards the car park exit, before going down the stairs to get back to street level.

Closing my eyes,  took a few deep breaths and not sensing anything to give away his location now, I quickly carried on down the street and into another store. I got lost inspecting shelves of various sneakers; some designed for running, others for jogging and even more for walking. 

"Can I help you?" Asked the sales girl.

"Yes. If I'm wearing these walking shoes, but I need to run away quickly, will I still be able to do that in these or will I need to change into a more appropriate pair?" She looked at me as if I had spoken to her in Japanese. "I'll grab these in a seven. Thanks."

"Now you're picking on store girls?" Cain asked disapprovingly from behind me.

"Didn't you get the hint before?"

"What's wrong? You looked happy at lunch, I thought you must have got some good news." He fished.

"You know what news I got at lunch." I finally turned to face him, and while I expected him to look annoyed at being given the slip before, he wasn't. "I'm scared for her, for them."

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