Chapter Fourteen

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I waited for Logan to get comfortable before climbing into bed; positioning myself so I sat between his legs with my back against his chest. The weight of his arms falling over my shoulders was so familiar and turning my head slightly, his chin rested against my forehead. I pulled the blanket up and over us, unable to stop myself from smiling as I felt his kiss against my hair. Right here, now, this moment was perfect and so, I had ruin it.

"What were you talking about earlier?" I asked, our fingers slipping together as I held onto his hand. The burn had already faded from his palm, but I kissed that spot anyway.


"Before you had a shower." Tilting my head back slightly against his arm, I took a second to just look at him. His eyes were already closed, and I didn't miss the flicker of a frown that appeared after I spoke.

"Tomorrow Bunny, it's been a long day. Well, days." He sighed.

I toyed with his fingers a little more, fidgeting as I couldn't just let it go like that. It would bug me all night until the morning and really, he should know better. As he sighed again, and his eyes looked down to meet mine, I knew he realised his mistake too.

"Don't get mad." Instantly I stopped, unable to stop myself from getting tense. "It's nothing to worry about, but just hear me out. Okay?"


"Well, when we all decided to go on that fun little adventure, when I went to get changed I thought of something, well actually I was thinking about it when we were still at the table talking with your parents."

"Go on." I prompted.

"You went back in time to try and find out what you could about the whole Treaty thing. It worked out well in some ways because you discovered your new toy, but apart from a few little bits and pieces we've picked up, we don't know what Cain's plan is or how you're actually involved."

"We should just call you Sherlock." It didn't sound as sarcastic as I had wanted it to, and either way Logan ignored me.

"I think Alistair did. He had to know something. The whole ghostly advisor stunt he pulled when all that shit went down with Drac, tells us he does. You need to speak to him again. Find out what's going on."

"I can't go back in time again, I doubt Portia would be willing to share a way for me to do repeat and I wouldn't want to. How nothing has changed here is beyond me considering what happened. I half expected to come back to find, I dunno, colour television had never been invented."

"That's what you expected?" Logan teased this time, earning an eye roll from me.

"I don't know how he did all that ghosty stuff either. If he was playing guardian angel and wanted to help, why isn't he now? I think I need him just as much as I did then!"

"I figured going back again would be impossible. I've never even heard of anyone doing it before and the fact he is, dead, makes it hard too, but this is where my idea comes into it."

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