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Today is the Finale. This is it. The moment we have been working so hard for, either Artem and I or Maks and Peta are going to win the mirror ball trophy. It is surreal that there has become such a rivalry between us in the last couple weeks. I know how much this means to them and more importantly us, but I couldn't help but realize that Artem and I have already won. This show brought us back together and gave me a happiness that I can't even put into words.

I don't want to lose Maks and Peta as friends. I am already losing them tomorrow when they return home to New York and I stay here with Artem. Maks won't speak to me because he is upset that I quit his tour and rehearsals to stay here.

"You getting in the zone?" Artem came in the red room backstage and noticed me staring off into space thinking about the friend I no longer have.

"I miss him." I said "it's been two weeks since he has spoken to me."

"He's an ass." Artem said "I wouldn't take it personally, but I know he's your friend so maybe you should talk to him before the show starts."

I shook my head.

"I don't want to cause any trouble, this is such a serious night. We have our final dances and we are neck and neck on the leaderboards."

"How bad do you want this mirror ball?" Artem winked at me.

"Not enough to lose my friend over it." I confessed and then realized what Artem was implying. It never was about the trophy for us. At one point in the beginning of the competition we never thought that we would ever even make it this far, we weren't connected like we are now.

"What should we do?" I asked

"We make a mistake." He said "we will lose points and they will win."

"If that's what we have to do." I said "I will do it."

"No, I will." He said "you may lose your ranking in the U.S. Pro dancing charts if you make a mistake."

"That isn't my biggest worry."

"Emma, I also think you need to go on tour with Maks and them, there's no reason for you not to, Its not for a month so we still have time together and ill be here when you get back. It will give you a chance to do what you love."

I kissed him. "How did I get so lucky to be marrying you, I remember how excited I was when we met, to be dancing with a Russian boy with an accent.

"You have an accent too." He laughed "the American girl." He reminisced. That was all that he would call me when we were rehearsing with choreographers and competing in junior championships.

When the show started I still hadn't gotten a chance to talk to Maks or Peta.

They danced first, right after all the eliminated pros did a final group dance. The judges gave their dance a 39 out of 40 on the account that they lacked creativity but the dance was spot on in every other way.

Next there was a musical guest and Artem and I were running around getting ready to go out and do our thing.

I saw Maks standing backstage looking at the screen ready to watch us take the trophy out of his hands because he didn't feel they did enough to beat us.

"Maks." I said from across the room. "this one is for you."

He looked over at me and rolled his eyes, thinking that I was being sarcastic.

Artem and I walked out and nodded at each other.

"When I do our lift I'm going to set you down wrong." He whispered.

I nodded and the music began.

We danced all around and then the lift happened. Artem purposely made it look sloppy and then set me down off balance. I got out of sync with the next few seconds of the song and the crowd was shocked. When it ended Artem winked at the camera that was recording us. That wink was for Maks, who I'm sure was backstage knowing that we did that on purpose. He knows we would never have made that kind of mistake.

"I'm disappointed." Was all the judges could say. They gave us a 32 out of 40. Our first time getting lower than 9's and 10's.

We went backstage to get our makeup fixed up and Maks was standing there waiting for me.

"You are so stupid." He said "why would you do that? I know that was on purpose, everyone knows. Artem is the king of lifts."

"Maks, we did it for you. You deserve this trophy more than us. You guys would appreciate it more. I just want my friend back. I've decided that going on tour with you guys won't be so bad. I will miss Artem, yeah. But he will visit and then I will back to him soon enough. Friendship is about sacrifice and I am prepared to be there for you.

Maks looked like he was ready to cry. It was setting in that he would be hoisting the trophy in less than 10 minutes time.

He silently pulled me in for a hug.

"I'm sorry." He finally said.

"I love you." I squeezed him tighter never wanting to lose my best friend ever again.

Finally, Maks and Peta received the mirror ball trophy. They were praised by the crowd, and they were calling it the biggest upset to ever occur in a ballroom competition. We were the favorites to win.

Through this whole competition I have learned and realized so much. I have learned that relationships are more important than working yourself to death, I have learned to fight for what I want and know when to let things go when they aren't life or death and finally, I was reunited with the love of my life. Who would have thought we would be engaged after two years of not speaking to each other? We defied the odds and I am truly blessed.

Dancing with Artem Chigvintsev: Part 1Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum