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It was late on Monday night when we got back to LAX.

I called Artem to let him know that I would be home soon and that I couldn't wait to see him. I wasn't sure how things were going to be these next few days considering Kara was still staying with him.

When our cab arrived at Artem's Maks walked me up to the door.

"You are gonna be okay." Maks reassured me "quit being so paranoid about things and just let life happen. Let the good stuff happen. Be happy."

I instantly became cheerful. Maks has no idea how much influence he has on my life. I may be in love with Artem but Maks never disappoints me when I need him most.

We embraced in a hug for a few seconds and he turned down the steps and back to the cab without another word, he knew it was time for me to focus on Artem and mending our relationship.

I opened the door and walked in. Artem and Kara were sitting at the dining room table with a feast before them.

"Emma." She said standing up "it's so good to see you," her cheerful English accent as vibrant as ever.

I walked toward them a little timid because I truly did feel like an outsider. I was waiting for Artem to greet me but all he was doing was staring at me and smiling, it was almost as if he were studying my face never wanting to feel the pain of missing me ever again.

"I want to apologize for imposing on the love between the two of you. To be quite honest, he told me the first day he met me that he was stuck on a girl he could never have.. Well how could I ever be the one to get in the way." She said "the path has been open all along."

I smiled at her. I didn't know how to respond. Why was Artem not saying anything.

I couldn't take it anymore. I finally spoke. To Kara not to Artem.

"Kara." I said "I feel so bad that I have broken up your relationship, I couldn't help the love that flows from my heart for him.." I was on the verge of tears and then remembered to think of Maks and his advice.

I gave her a hug and thanked her for taking care of him when I was unable to.

Artem stood from his spot at the table.

"Kara made dinner for me and you." He said "she was just leaving to go stay at a hotel until morning."

"No." I said "Don't leave, Kara. I want to get to know you."

"I think you and Artem are overdue for a romantic dinner and some alone time." She winked, "he has been beyond excited to be able to share this night with you."

My heart fluttered and I looked at him. I could tell that he felt awkward for standing in the room with his now ex girlfriend and me, the girl he is in love with.

I looked at him, and grabbed his hands.

"Artem." I said staring into his dreamy eyes, "we have the rest of our lives to have alone time." I then turned to her. "Kara you're staying here, when do you return home?"

"I return home on Friday night." She said still standing up, unsure of what the plans for tonight now were.

I realized that Friday night was my birthday but didn't feel like saying anything. I smiled. Great, my birthday is going to be centered around saying goodbye instead of celebrating. At this point I was wondering if Artem even remembers when my birthday is.

I finally let go of him and urged Kara to sit back down.

"We are all going to enjoy this meal," I said. "And then I am going to go to sleep, we have practice bright and early tomorrow morning."

Artem smiled and whispered "thank you."

He was referring to me being so patient and kind with Kara. I owe a lot to her, she is much stronger of a woman than I am. She is being so kind to me even though she had to let go of her relationship for me.

Dancing with Artem Chigvintsev: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now