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"I'm so glad everyone could make it to help celebrate Emma's birthday." Artem said and cheering erupted "Emma, would you come up here and stand with me."

I smiled and walked up next to him, still confused as to what he was going to say or do.

Artem grabbed my hands.

"I don't normally do this. I don't stand in front of people out of my own free will and speak." He nervously laughed. "I wanted your birthday to be a special one this year, to make up for the two birthdays of yours I have missed since I met you."

I was staring into his eyes and then I glanced at everyone intently watching and listening to Artem.

"I'm so grateful that you pushed me over the edge when I had told you I moved on. You knew that I hadn't and you knew that you hadn't. It's all your doing that got us to this moment. I will forever be grateful. Thank you for never giving up on me."

Then I realized what Artem was doing and I began to cry. My eyes darted to my father who sat looking proudly up at us from his spot at the table.

"I love you Emma Rose Scott." Artem shed a tear. I could tell that he was so nervous, so afraid that he had picked the wrong moment. Afraid that he would be rejected once again. "Would you do me the honor, in front of all of your friends and your lovely parents, by agreeing to become my wife?" I listened to every syllable. I analyzed every word that he spoke in his Russian accent that I have grown to know and love so well.

Through watery eyes I accepted.

He placed the ring on my finger and picked me up, kissed me and swirled me around. There were cheers and whistling going on throughout the room and I couldn't keep the smile off of my face. I was so happy.

I ran to my parents and gave them hugs and then all of my girl friends came running up to hug me and see the rock I got from Artem. The ring was absolutely stunning. This was the best surprise I could have gotten for my birthday. I am the luckiest girl in the world.

I looked out to the sea of familiar faces in the room and the one person I wanted to see, the one person that I wanted to smile back at me was missing.

Artem noticed that I was scanning the room.

"Go find him." Artem said, knowing exactly who I was looking for.

I kissed him and ran out to the patio, hoping that I found Maks there. By the grace of God there he was, sitting on the bench. I sat beside him.

"You excited?" He asked, looking straight out at the street and not once in my direction.

"Yeah." I said truthfully "I'm somebody's fiancé, can you believe it."

"Yeah." Maks said "I can believe it, any man would be beyond lucky to be able to call you theirs."

"Do you really think that?" I asked him, wondering if he meant himself included.

"Two years ago, I almost asked you to marry me." He reminisced.

"What?" I asked completely stunned.

"I had the ring, I was so in love with you, I knew we were young and going to probably be rushing into it too fast but I didn't care. I wanted it to be spontaneous. Then Artem left and you were hung up over him, I kept holding off until you got over it.."

"And then I told you I loved him." I remembered out loud.

"Yeah, and I knew that if you had feelings for him while I, this perfect guy right in front of you, was professing his love, maybe we weren't meant to be. I didn't want to be rejected by you based on your feelings for someone you were meant to be with."

I sat there in silence unaware of how to react. Maks had just told me that he had wanted to marry me. The truth was, if he had asked me there was no way I would have said yes.

"Maks." I grabbed his hand "I am finally happy."

"I hope so." He said "But I'm sad, there won't be any more Maks and Emma adventures when your feeling sad."

"Maks. Any day of the week that I'm feeling sad you are the first person I call."

He kissed my forehead and then we embraced in a hug.

"Congratulations." He breathed down the back of my neck and sent chills down my spine. Why did he have this affect on me?

I stood up to get away from the thoughts circulating in my head and Peta ran out by us.

"Emma we are waiting to sing to you!" She said "come on."

I gave Maks a smile and ran inside. Peta stayed out by Maks because she noticed how upset he was. I wonder what he's going to tell her is wrong.

Dancing with Artem Chigvintsev: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now